Se lave to Spring Break. It was nice while it lasted.
It was a nice quiet break and is hard to get back into a routine, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. We had a nice safe trip to Denver. We were so lucky to be a part of something so great. The research team that we met there were truly amazing. They know the "ins and outs" of Williams Syndrome and have a passion for these children. Which is more than we have seen so far. It was so nice meet a doctor and not have to explain what WS is. It was like an "AH HA!" moment for me. So nice to hear that someone else actually knows about Daven and is anxious to hear everything we had to say.
During the feed back session the doctors told us that Daven is falling in the 7 to 9 month age group. They were pleased with his growth and development so far. They want us to start working on speech. Their suggestions and hints were exactly what Logan and I were looking for. The picture shows Dr. Susan Hepburn working with Daven during one of the sessions.
While we were there, we also got to see Alowetta, Jody, Tia and Kristen. It was so great to see them. Daven LOVES his Cousin Tia! He just wanted to touch her and hug her. They both just loved each other. So precious!
I will give you more updates as the week goes on. I have said enough for today. We love you all so very much!
Yeah! I'm so glad you guys are home safely. It's ridiculous how many times I've checked this blog for an update...I seriously need to get a life!
Love you all ~ call us or email the details when you have time!
Love, Nat
awesome. sounds like things really went well and that alot was accomplished. just a note of warning, i think kris may have plans of trying to steal daven, so consider this a warning!
Awesome! So good to hear such great news.I am really thankful that you guys had a safe trip and that you finally were able to get some anwsers. I can't wait to hear some more details.I hope that you have a great day!!! Love you and that precious nephew of ours!!!