Well, Daven has officially graduated out of Physical Therapy. It was a decision and suggestion made by Dr. Hepburn from our Denver trip. So we will be replacing the PT time slot with Speech Therapy. One of the biggest suggestions made from the Denver team was to get Daven into some Speech Therapy so he can start on some solid foods. So with their request, we have dismissed Val (his current PT) and will be getting a Speech Therapist. I tell you this, simply because I see it as a big mile stone for Daven. We have been with Val for almost a year now and it will be nice to try something new.
However, I am not looking forward to our ST sessions. It is going to be an all out battle with Daven to start getting him used to different textures in his mouth. But it is something that we need to pursue for his growth and development. Hopefully, before we know it, he will be asking for steak and potatoes! At least that is what his dad is hoping for.
We go Monday to see the pediatric orthopedic in Lubbock. Logan and I are expecting to have Daven fitted for a brace. We have been feeling his back and are afraid it is getting worse, so we are hoping to go ahead and get Daven into a brace to start realigning his spine. Again, I am anticipating this will be a battle from Daven, but is something that Logan and I feel need to be done. If, however, we get good news from the XRay...we will be thrilled not to go through the bracing process. I will be sure and keep everyone updated on this.
We will also be seeing his pediatrician for his 15 month check up and yes...this means his 15 month shots! Ouch! Logan and I hate the shot appointments. One of the hardest things a parent has to go through.
Well, I have said enough for the day. We love you all and miss you so very much!
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