Hello to all that are reading. Glad to have you back and I hope to see you again. LOL
Well, we had Daven's 15 month check up yesterday. It went about as well as we expected. His pediatrician was pleased with his growth (18 lbs 2 oz and 31 inches long) and the progress of his development. We go back to see him for his 18 month check up. Whew!
As for his back, his spine is getting a bit worse. It is currently sitting at a 28 degree angle. They have recommended putting Daven into a brace. If you have been reading, you know that Logan had I had anticipated this. So, the process goes like this...
Next Tuesday we go back to Lubbock to cast him and get him fitted for the brace. The casting (haha) is going to be the hardest part of this process. We will have to hold Daven down (which he HATES) so the cast can dry, then flip him over so we can do the other side. So, we have already been warned that this will be an hour full of screaming and lots of tears. Shed by both mom and baby I am sure.
They will then take that cast and fit a brace to the cast. After about a week, the brace should be ready to put on. Daven will be required to stay in the brace 23 hours a day 7 days a week. Yes, I am confident he will hate me for putting him through all of this.
I just have to remember that he won't remember this. That is the only good part about doing this when Daven is so young. The estimated time frame for the brace is approximately a year. The prognosis we have been given is that 50% of these babies get better and 50% get substantially worse. So please be praying that Daven will be in the better half.
Need-less-to-say, it will be a long few months ahead, but we are lucky enough to have so much support around us that I know we will get through yet another obstacle of parent-hood. As soon as I see that little man smile and giggle at me, it makes everything all worth it.
So, I have rambled enough for one day. I will start up again tomorrow! ;-)
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