At Daven’s last well baby check up, the doctor asked that we try to feed Daven PediaSure to boost his calories from 24 to 30. Sounds easy enough right? Wrong!
For a while now, we have known that Daven is allergic to Whey protein. It is a milk based protein, which essentially means he is allergic to all milk products. When we gave Daven yogurt once, he threw up for 3 hours afterwards. He also threw up for hours after we tried a different formula. When we mentioned this to the doctor, he really pushed us to at least try the PediaSure and test it out. “You never really know when babies are allergic. It could have just been coincidental” he tells us.
So for weeks now, I have been pondering the thought of giving Daven a shot of PediaSure. My gut told me to NEVER put a milk based product in that child’s mouth, but I kept hearing the doctor say that we really needed to try it. Logan also talked to me saying that it might help beef Daven up and it would be a cheaper option than his current formula. After arguing for weeks, I gave in to Logan and the Doctor’s advice.
We added one ounce of the PediaSure to Daven’s regular bottle last night around 6:00 pm. After an hour of a truly happy child, I thought…wow, this might actually work! Gave him a bath, got him ready for bed and started rocking him to put him to sleep. Then at 8:00 pm out of nowhere, Daven started violently throwing up.
As I ran to grab towels and bins I immediately got sick to my stomach. Not because of the throw-up, but because
I was the one that did this to my child! The feeling that he would be a happy and healthy boy if it wasn’t for something I had done, was haunting! I burst into tears and held him so close while he continued to throw up all over me and everything in our path. (I figure that was the least I deserved!)
Needless to say, it was once again…a long night at my house. Again, I figured that was considered paybacks for what I had put him through. He seems to be doing much better this morning. He ate a bottle and seemed to be much more contented when he went with GranZ. I am sure he was just glad to get out of my arms!

Please forgive me for putting you through that misery. I promise to keep your tummy free from any Whey/milk products and to NEVER again let anyone else convince me otherwise. I give you permission to throw up all over me any time that happens again. I love you, my angel.
Ask about Polycose for uping calories, it is a pure calorie/carb. powder supplement with not a lot of other stuff. It is $5 a can and it lasts forever, I buy it online. I would have to check if is has whey in it or not.
Second, poor little guy, no body likes to vomit. Thankfully kids are resilient, and so are you!
Oh Aspen that just sucks...I guess we are learning to stick to our guns about that kind of stuff...Mom knows best and always has. I am sure to Daven it is a forgotten issue :)
I'm sure that some of the way I reacted to this post has to do with my raging premenstrual syndrome, but I just burst into tears when I read what you wrote. I totally felt your pain.
If anything, you now know it is perfectly acceptable to follow those great instincts of yours. I'm glad Daven is feeling better today. Now get some rest! You haven't recovered from your drive yet and you have a long drive ahead of you this week!
Love you oodles,
Poor thing! Meaning you, not Daven. He'll be fine and hopefully he will outgrow his whey allergy (I think they usually do). But it is ROTTEN to feel that you caused your child pain and I'm really sorry about that. You never know, the doctor could have been right.... he's got all those degrees after all. :) If you didn't try you wouldn't have known - and now you know to trust yourself. It is SO different with a child with WS - I don't think I second guessed myself with my older son. But with WS, it is all new territory.
By the way, he will love it one day when he's around 8 and you tell him he threw up all over you. My older son peed on my husband in the hospital right after he was born and he tells EVERYONE that story! :)
Poor Daven! I hope he is well today!!!!
YOU know what is the best for him, so don't listen the other's opinion, please :)