Friday was Blanca’s (a coworker and confidant of mine) last day in my office. Not until this very moment did it hit me how terribly sad this makes me. As I came to work today, I was thinking about my weekend and ready to give a re-cap to Blanca, as was the Monday morning ritual.
Only now did I remember that Blanca isn’t coming to work today. She is officially no longer an employee at Clovis Community College, Blanca has moved on to bigger and better things. This is devastating to me because it seems like my life, lately, is being taken over by icky, stinky, coodie filled

For those of you that don’t know me, I am your all American girly girl. (Such as: I never leave the house without make up, I love big gotti jewelry and high heels, and there is nothing better than a good chick flick staring Matthew McConaughey) I have worked for a woman for the past 7 years and now I have to change my mind to a mans way of thinking.
When my old boss (Beverlee oh how I miss you too!) left, my only reprieve was Blanca as we would gossip and giggle throughout the day. Now, my once beautiful office is going through a transition. The beautiful expensive art has been replaced with trout fish and ugly man art, and great girl talk has changed to men grunting and gloating about shooting things. All that's missing now is camouflage as the office color scheme.
SighSo, I just wanted to say how much you will be missed Blanca. Your girl-talk and gossip that was once a daily occurrence will now be a fond memory of the days when estrogen used to rule this office.
Wait, I just remembered that Autumn will be leaving my house in 2 weeks. Oh I might as well learn to use one of those guns; I might have to shot myself!
Oh...I am SOOOO feeling your pain right now... Did I mention that I'm now living with 4 - count 'em -FOUR boys??!!??!!?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come visit soon so we can go to SuperTarget and the Coach store together!!!
We girls need to band together. The only other girl in my house is the cat. I will leave the house looking completely ghetto occasionally -- BUT I have always neatly applied my signature lipstick (Cover Girl "Almost Nude"). P.S. Don't forget to keep your anti-cootie spray in your desk drawer at work. Boys are crawling with 'em.
I am so sorry I had to leave you. I miss you so much. We will just have to go to lunch alot more often. I will have to get most of my up dates here. Love ya!!