I know that this has been the topic of so many posts on this blog, so I apologize in advance for bringing it up again. But I am going to anyway.
I obviously know that Daven is a little behind the
curveball when compared to a normal developing child. But, lately I am starting to realize that he is getting farther and farther behind the
curveball of a Williams Syndrome child. As much as I try not to compare children and try not to let this consume me…it is.
The more research I have done and the more WS children I am introduced to, the more I see it. Daven is simply much farther behind than other children. Okay okay, I have already heard the arguments…”don’t compare,” “girls are much faster than boys to develop,” “he will get there eventually,” yade-yada. I have been told this all of Daven’s 18 month long life.
I am starting to think that it is my bad parenting and question everything I do or don’t do. Should I be at home with him and instead of being a working mom? Am I too lax with him? Should I have a strict therapy session/workout for him to do 5 or 6 times a week?
I can’t help but take his slow development personally. With the help of my mother and his GranZ he gets all the therapy sessions during the week. Which is a HUGE task to take on and I couldn’t have survived the first year of mommy-hood without her help. She helps with Daven on a daily basis, and I am a better mom because of it.
However, I still have that sick sinking feeling that I am not doing enough to help him progress. Sorry again for bringing up this topic yet again. But it has been weighing h

eavy on my mind as my close friends compare milestones. I love them all and can’t begin to imagine where I would be without their support. I just wish I had a great milestone to report back to them.
Maybe someday Daven will have his spotlight! And when that day comes, you will see so many pictures as I document every step! Until then, I have these to share with you. This is Daven holding on for dear life to his crib and attempting to take steps with Dad’s support. I can’t wait see him walking to me all on his own. Some day soon my precious angel and Mommy will be there with waiting arms!
Oh, Aspen, I really wish you could have seen Erik a few months ago when he was Daven's age. He was so very different and has made most of his progress in 4 months. Daven reminds me so much of Erik. There is absolutely nothing that I can say that will make you feel better...the only thing that will do it is when Daven decides to make that huge surge ahead all of the sudden without warning. Erik used to just lie on my lap at the doctor's office and do a lot of nothing. It was so sad! It will happen...hang in there...blah blah blah... Erik sends his sloppy, drool-soaked kisses.
Aspen, never doubt your parenting skills you are a wonderful mommy!!! Like Nancy said it well come. WS or not it is amazing the progress made from 18m to two years. He looks to really be making a effort holding on to that crib the photo is so cute.
I know it is hard to look on the bright side but once he walks he'll be everywhere and once he talks he won't stop. You are going to one day look back and barley remember when he did not talk and walk. What I would give for a quiet ride to or from work. LOL
Love you lots :)
I agree with Nancy and Lisa. One day Jaxson just up and walked. He was 18 months old. And then one day he started talking too and he has not shut up since. I guarantee it will happen for you and it will happen soon. You are the best momma and Daven is flourishing because of you and your extended family. He is such a doll!
I can only reiterate what everyone above me has said... and while my child is younger than yours and I don't have the same experiences yet, I can say this: it is so natural for you to wonder if you are doing the right things for your child, but you need to remember that YOU are his mother and there is no one out there who can do a better job than you. It is so obvious in his face ... his adorable little face!.... that he wouldn't have picked another mommy but you. You are doing a wonderful job, and I am amazed at these strong women who are also such strong mothers.
As I read your latest blog, holding my breath as always because I’ve become so involved in Daven and his family, I thought that it’s time I introduce myself to you. It’s weird, because I feel like I know you already. It’s kind of like when we were at Disneyland with the kids, and stood next to Henry Winkler and his daughter during the parade. I felt like I knew him, yet didn’t want to “invade his space,” (a concept that at times really bugs me), so we didn’t say anything to him. I can’t let you go by, however, so here I am—Erik’s grandma.
Daven’s grandma and I live in similar worlds. Erik is such a wonderful part of my life. I can hardly remember life B.E. (before Erik).
John and I went to a baseball game last night, and there were a lot of families there, with their little ones. I admit that I look at them and wonder why this world is put together the way it is. I’m not angry at them, or jealous, even. But I wonder if they know how very lucky they are. I don’t know why Daven and Erik can’t be right there with the rest of them. There I go again, trying to make life fair… I think that things don’t always happen for the best, but that we can make the best out of everything that happens. You certainly are proof of that. From my spot in front of my monitor, I see a really fine woman, who is working very hard at being the best mom Daven could ever have. Right now, as you read this, place your right hand over your left shoulder and give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve earned it, and you earn it every day of your life! We can do no more than make a sincere effort to do what’s best. And it sounds like you do that. What a world this would be if everyone did that!
I guess what I really want you to know is that I read your blog regularly, that I care very much what happens to your family, and that your sense of humor is delightful (because it’s so like mine and Nancy’s, of course).
We’d all like to meet you and your family in person. Bend has become quite the trendy tourist town these days. So if one day, you and your family pull up in a pink travel trailer, you’re more than welcome to park it in front of our house!
Jean Frye