What a busy few days Daven, Logan and I have had. Friday, as you know, was Daven’s sedated echocardiogram. Great news there! I won’t recap what I have already said. As soon as we got back from Lubbock, Logan and I packed up and headed to the mountains with some friends. Here is the camper that we got to stay in…

HAHAHAHA, Just kidding. We just happen to see this on the way up there and thought it was so funny! Notice the swamp cooler on the top…LOL Oh so funny. Sigh

Back to the story…The camping trip was so fun! Logan and I got a break from Daven and got to enjoy a small vacation. Daven stayed with his GranZ and LOVED every second of it. Logan and Kyle got to fish until their hearts were content. (Wait, who am I kidding…they would still be fishing if they could!) And Amanda and I got to enjoy some nice fr

esh mountain air and stick our feet in the cool river. Here is a picture of the boys fishing and the girls playing. (It is a rare occasion when I share a picture of me with no makeup)
Yesterday, Auntie Autumn, GranZ and I went back for Daven’s Orthopedic appointment and his 18 month well baby check up. The prognosis from the orthopedic doctor is great! His spine has already gone from a 28 degree angle to an 18 degree angle within only two months. Which is GREAT news. The bad news however, (there is always bad news to go with the good news) is that he may have to remain in the brace until he stops growing. The doctors said that scoliosis tends to get worse during puberty stages and they strongly suggest that Daven remain in a back brace until he has gone through puberty. Sigh

As for his well baby check up, it was all great news as well. His weight is 19 pounds 10 ounces and 31 ½ inches long. He is our tall skinny boy. Just like his daddy! The doctor seemed concerned with his weight, but that is a major concern every time we go for a well baby check up. But I am pleased with his progress.
It is truly a blessing to have three good doctor’s reports in a row. I almost don’t know how to react to that. Part of me still tends to focus on the negative and I hate that abo

ut myself. I will try to focus on the good side of things and enjoy all the great progress Daven is making.
I hope everyone is having a good week!
Sounds like a very cool weekend. You look great even camping. Try to enjoy the Terrific news.
What a wonderful weekend! Love the photo of the camper. It reminds me of Uncle Eddie's RV in the movie Christmas Vacation! ("Now that there, Clark, is an ARRRRR VEEE")