Short and SWEET Update
Published Friday, July 07, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
We are now home from our trip to the Cardiologist. Drum roll please…we have finally gotten a good report. The doctor was very pleased with what he saw.
Daven’s main artery is looking very good. One spot at the bottom of his artery is a bit narrow, but nothing to raise red flags he said. He requested that we come back and see him for another sedated echo in 9 months to a year!!!
I am sure you know what a huge relief this is to us all. Daven was a true champ during the entire procedure. They tried to get the pictures they needed without sedating him, without fail. So they gave him one dose to see if that would work. (Most other moms may know how hard it really is to get WS babies sedated. Usually a double dose does the trick.) However, today one dose worked great for Daven. It didn’t put him completely out, but it did help relax him enough to stay calm and be still. So it worked out great!

Here is Daven snuggling up close to a nurse after the procedure. They requested that we stick around for a few minutes after our appointment just to make sure he was okay. So the nurses took advantage of his sleepiness and snuggles. So precious to see how fast people fall in love with him.
Thank you to everyone who said prayers for Daven today. It truly worked and we were blessed with GREAT NEWS! I will write more on Monday.
Sweeeeeeet! Congratulations! I am so very happy for you. Relax this weekend if you can and enjoy!
Yeah for Daven! We're so proud of you all! We'll keep praying for more good stuff on Monday...
Oh, that's wonderful news, Aspen! Yea for Daven! Now you can breathe that big sigh of relief!!
Way to go Daven!!!One down and one more to go, we'll be thinking about you on Monday too.
Hooray hooray hooray!!!! Have a GREAT weekend!!
That is so great!! What good news to hear!! Yea!!!
Oh Aspen!
I am so happy for Daven! That is awesome news!
Who wouldn't fall in love with Daven? He is such a cutie and if he is anything like Jaxson he lights the room up wherever he goes!
Congrats again!
so glad you guys got some good news! daven looks so cute in the a little gentleman with his hair parted and combed. ohhh so handsome.I miss you guys it seems like we never manage to catch each other at home. maybe on the seems like we are both pretty busy on the weekdays.i know you are alot busier than me ... jeremy and my chihuahua are low maintenance no one requires know jeremy is about to turn 30!! he is soooooo much older than me!HA! he would be so mad if he read that!!!!!