
Just the other night Logan, Daven, Auntie Autumn and I all had dinner at GranZ’s and PapaT’s house. As we were leaving, PapaT turned on his bubble machine to let Daven watch. His eyes instantly got huge and he just stopped to watch what was going on.
He kept reaching out to touch them and closing his eyes so softly when they would come near his face. So precious! I was so pleased how great the pictures turned out. You can see all the wonderful bubbles and if you look closely, even some amazing reflections.
We head towards Lubbock tomorrow for Daven’s sedated echocardiogram. Needless-to-say I am starting to have anxiety about it. We are not supposed to feed Daven anything after midnight, so I anticipate a long night and morning. The appointment is early tomorrow morning, so all we have to do is keep Daven calm until they give him the anesthesia.
Daven has had only one echocardiogram and that was in January. Daven was awake which meant he was very wiggly and the doctor couldn’t get a good picture of his heart, hence the sedated part. This will allow the doctor to be very thorough and allow him to get the high-quality pictures he is needing.
The biggest concern with WS children is heart issues. Most of my fellow WS moms have already had to put their little ones through one or more heart surgeries and I fear this for Daven. Please keep us in mind as we travel tomorrow and while Daven is being “put under.” This is yet another concern for WS babies. A small risk is always taken when these children have to be sedated.

We also go on Monday to get yet another x-ray of Daven’s back and to visit the orthopedic doctor. So, we will be swamped with doctor’s visits over the next few days. I always get so emotional when doctors appointments start to take over Daven’s life. Poor Logan gets the brunt of the emotional ups and downs. I know he can handle it. ;-)
Sorry this post is so long. I will try to give updates to everyone tomorrow afternoon, but until then…please keep us in your prayers.
Aspen - Daven, you and Logan will be in our thoughts and prayers that Daven just sails through his echo and the news is good!
Aspen, I love the bubble pictures they are so fun and really capture the moment.
Tomorrow is going to be fine just keep a positive outlook, or atleast try. I know Daven is going to do just great. Emma and I well say a special little prayer for Daven and his Mommy and Daddy tonight.
You know I'll be wondering all day about you all. Have a wonderful trip this weekend if you go. Call if you need anything.
Love You Lots,
Little Daven will be in our prayers as well. The fact that they can do a sedated echo is good, as that means he can handle it... we will all be praying for good news.
What a wonderful handsome boy! What a wonderful, beautiful family! I am so Jealous and overwhelmed with pure joy to see yall happy! I love all of you more than you could ever know. I am very proud to see your growth and love for eachother!
Oh I feel for you.
Jaxson had his yearly appointments at Mayo Clinic on Monday and he had his yearly echo as well. This is his third one and the first time he was NOT sedated. He did wonderful. It surprised me. They let him watch a video and he only squirmed about half the time:) Now the lab work was a whole different story. But thank god his echo has not changed since last year.
I have to tell you that yesterday I was brought your blog up on my computer screen and Jaxson was on my lap and when the picture of Daven in his stroller came on Jaxson said "momma...picture of Jaxson?" and I said "no that is Daven" and he said "no momma, that is Jaxson" It was so cute. Then he proceeded to tell me "Daven is my friend momma!" Too cute!
Please let us know how the appointments go!
Your in my families thoughts!
Aspen, I have been so anxious today to find out how everything is going. I will be praying for you. I can't wait to hear from you. I want to say sorry one more time for giving you news at the most inappropriate time. I love you. Enjoy your weekend. I also hope your Monday appointment goes great as well. Remember God only puts us thru things we can handle he always come thru when we are in need. Love you!