Acronyms and more Acronyms
Published Thursday, July 13, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

We had Daven’s second annual IFSP (
Individual Family Service Plan) meeting yesterday afternoon. Overall, it went very well. We set new goals and objectives for Daven for the coming year. Some of the new goals consist of increase his gross motor skills (ie. crawling, standing, walking), work on feeding issues, work on speech and finally to increase Daven’s OT to twice a week and ST to twice a week.
All in all I feel very good about this meeting and these new goals. I am excited about bumping up his therapy time and anxious to see results. We did also decide to get Daven in a small "mother’s day out" program. This will increase his time with other children in hopes that he will see how others babies crawl and walk.
After the overwhelming response I got from the last post, I am feeling much better today. When we got home last night, we went outside to swing and Daven was just belly laughing. I felt the emotions coming and couldn’t stop myself from crying. I loved him more and more with every laugh. (I didn’t think it was possible to love him even more.)
Thanks to everyone for the kind words, along with Daven’s laughs it was truly exactly what I needed. I feel much more confident in myself as a mother today and at peace with Daven’s growth. Like others have said…look at that face, how could I think he wasn’t happy. Daven is my precious angel for a very important reason and I intend to find out what that reason is.
We love you Aspen!!! Just think you'll be here in like 3 weeks yipeee!!!!! To bad we won't meet little D this trip, maybe next time:)