♪ Sisters, Sisters There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters ♪
Published Tuesday, July 18, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

Today marks the day when my baby sister arrived 25 years ago. I think I will always refer to her as my baby sister. No matter how grown and/or independent she gets. However, even considering her as my baby sister, I look up to her in so many aspects of life. Autumn has been such an amazing support system for me throughout the past year and so many years before. I truly don’t know how people make it through life without a sister.
She is one of the bravest women I know. No matter what life throws at her, she takes it all in stride. (And life sure has thrown her some doozies.) Such as…Her apartment being broken into, only to turn up that there had been a man living in the attic of her apartment. I still am not over this drama, but Autumn simply brushes herself off and makes another mark in the “stories to tell” category.
She is getting older and older as the years go on. (I guess we all get older as the years go on, with the exception of Monga. She has been 29 for as long as I can remember; how does she do that?) I read somewhere once that “a sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” Oh how profound that statement is to me. No matter her age, she will always be that little girl that I remember growing up with.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTUMN! Thanks for being the great sister that you are!
AWE!!! Happy Birthday Autumn. I can not wait till you move here. I know Aspen is going to miss you dearly.
I know how you feel... my little brother will always be just that! It wasn't weird for me when he married, but when he became a father it was too strange...my little brother, a FATHER?!?!?!
It's so great you two are close... never lose that!
Are you kidding me?? I thought I was going to be able to make it through the day without crying...alas, it is not to be. It's funny that you say all that stuff about me being brave, when in my eyes, it's exactly the opposite. You are the brave one and you are the strong one, not me. I love you more than ever and I have been so lucky to get to live with you one more time. I'm so glad we are about to make the road trip of our lives! I can't wait for you to experience my new life first-hand. I love you so much...you honestly have no idea. Thanks for another blog dedication...I can't get enough of these! Also, what a great pic of us...oh to be tan again...
Happy Happy Day!! What a glorious day this must be for your family, as you are a treasure to everyone you come in contact with! I hope you have an awesome birthday! Full of lots-o-laughter and fun!