Along the Journey...
Published Thursday, February 08, 2007 by Aspen | E-mail this post
TA-DA! This may not be exactly what you had in mind for the big surprise. Sorry to disappoint you. Back in early January I decided that for the new year, I would like a new blog design. So with the help of my brilliantly talented friend Sarah, here it is! I am exceedingly pleased with how it turned out and was so anxious to show it off. Sorry for those of you that were hoping the surprise was much more extravagant. HA! Jokes on you.

So here’s to a new year and a new start. I hope you will continue reading Daven Tate’s blog and travel along this journey with me. It has been an amazing two years and I hope this year will be full of growth, development, and hope for my precious son.
Thanks for all your help Sarah. Your talent is remarkable!
Along the Journey…
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