With the help of Daven’s therapist we have been working on “IN” for almost 2 months now. After we were held up in our house all weekend long due to a major ice storm, Daven finally got it. He was putting balls “in” a toy all weekend long! After the balls would end up getting thrown out, he would chase them down and carry them back to put them “in” his toy! Once he has lost all the balls, he starts throwing all kinds of things “in.” Paci, other small toys, remote...etc.
It was so fun watching him all weekend. I never once prompted him, I never once helped him…he simply did it all on his own. Like everything else with Daven, once he “gets” something…he gets it and runs with it. It is like he has an AH-HA moment about once every 5 or 6 months. We can work and work but until he actually gets it, it seems like all is lost. All the hard work, all the therapy session only to see no change. And then, suddenly we have a weekend like this. When he just does it all on his own.

Here he is with his toy that is so annoyingly loud that I had to cover the speakers with some duck tape. (It helped muffle the sound a little at least.) Daven and Luke are having so much fun. How is it that children always have a way of loving the most irritating toy?
Now you are going to find tons of wonderful things "in" your tub, "in" your toilet, "in" your trash. Good luck not losing your car keys!
So true, Amy. That made me laugh out loud.
I remember the "in" lesson. Funny though -- asking Erik to put toys "in" the toybox at the end of the day makes him completely forget how!
Love you.
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How adorable! It seems a lot of the mommies talk about these "wake up" times with the kids. It must be so refreshing to see some of your hard work being paid off. :)
Great job, Daven!
Me too Amy...they ar both so right :)Everything is always in something and the kids always look so proud. Good Job Daven :) Those boys are so cute, what a duo...
Love You