Where do I even begin? After being away from you all for so long now, I feel as though I have to start all over. We had an amazing time off for Christmas (twice over), Daven’s birthday (twice over), and a New Year. So many stories to tell, so many

pictures to show off, and reflective thoughts are pouring into my mind so fast that I don’t even know how to compile them all into one post.
I supposed I can start at the beginning. We spent almost a week before Christmas with Logan’s family in Oklahoma. We had an amazing time. Like I said before, it is so nice just to get away from it all for a while. Enjoy some true quality time with the family. We played cards until the wee hours of the mourning, ate until our pants didn’t fit any longer, and laughed until our faces hurt.
Amongst the traveling, full house of company, and lack of routine…Daven was amazing. He played with all of GrandMama’s goodies around the house and gave so many hugs and kisses to everyone that was willing to accept them. When Cousin Luke finally arrived, he really jumped into action. He knew present time was coming fast! On Christmas Eve, we allowed the boys to open all of their gifts except Santa’s gifts. (He obviously hadn’t arrived yet! It was only Christmas Eve.)

Both Daven and Luke dove into their packages and opened until they were exhausted. They naturally wanted what each other had. Even when the same exact toy was given. Neither one wanted it unless the other had it. HA!
The next morning we all jumped in and opened packages from Santa. Wow, he gets better and better every year. Just when we thought the festivity of opening packages was done, we learned that a birthday party for Daven was in the wings. WOW! You men to tell me there are more presents and toys for this boy?

Sure enough, it was a birthday party made for Daven. Complete with Elmo decorations, party hats, and yes more toys. The best part about the party was Daven’s birthday cake. The entire week Daven wouldn’t seem to eat anything other than Cheerios. (Except for the one jar of “Hawaiian Delight” that turned out having milk. Threw it up for the rest of the night, it wasn’t pretty!) So, his GrandMama wanted to give him a cake he could 1) eat and 2) LOVE! An entire Cheerio cake. It was fantastic and you can see how Daven LOVED it.
We had an amazing time and hated to leave. Thank you Marshall’s for an amazing Christmas! We are so lucky to be loved by such an amazing family. We love you more than you will ever know.

Sorry for my rambling thoughts, but again…I just have so much to say and tell that I don’t even know where to start and where to end.
Part II tomorrow.
I have to wait till tomorrow...no fair !!! Sounds like a great time so far...Must catch up soon :)love;)
I'm holding my breath until we hear part deux.
(gulping air...)
hello my name i dominick salazar i am kim monahans son (avas garden) check my blog out peace lylas
WOW! What a whirlwind! That sounds like such a great time!! I love the pics - can't wait to hear round two!
Aww, everything looked to be so sweet, wonderful, and cozy. I love the warm fuzzies we get from just enjoying our loved ones in special moments. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and you sound happy, and that makes me happy(:
Love the matching outfits for Christmas, too cute!!! Can't wait to hear and see more.