All Things Music
Published Thursday, December 14, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

Daven is starting to show signs of his LOVE for music. While watching him lately, everything he has been doing seems to revolve around music. A while back, Logan went to Monga’s piano and clicked around on it a bit. Daven instantly stopped what he was doing sat up (prairie dog style) and looked around to find where that beautiful music was coming from. Then he crawled as fast as he could to the piano to sit in his daddies lap and play along with him. These boys sat at that piano for a good 20 minutes playing and listening to the beautiful sounds. You can tell by Daven’s face he is LOVING that music and can’t get his ear close enough to the sounds.

This picture was also taken a few days ago while Daven was playing with a Christmas toy. This toy sings an Elvis Christmas song. (our Christmas theme is 50’s you know!) He loves to push the button and make it sing then he just puts it to his ear so he can listen more intently. SO CUTE! I love watching his face light up when he hears music and can’t get to that music fast enough. Or pushes it up to his ear as close as he can get it.
And finally, here is Logan strumming his guitar. Daven has now figured out what a guitar is and

wants to strum the strings ALL the time. He will crawl and search from room to room until he finds that guitar so he can strum the strings. Ah sweet music. The second he does…his face lights up more than I have ever seen. The face of pure joy and excitement.
I am anxious to start Daven in a music program. Guitar, piano…not sure which. Or maybe both! I wish we lived close enough to my aunt who is a brilliant pianist and has a piano school. (Which by the way, if anyone is near LA get with me to get her contact information. You won’t be disappointed!) I cannot wait to see all the music abilities that Daven has stored away inside his tiny little frame. Coming from a musically inclined family anyway, I know that his talents will far surpass mine. The Marshall household is going to be full of sweet music.
I can't wait until Daven and Erik can play duets while we sip lemonade and smile knowingly at each other in the parlor.
Okay, I'm fantasizing a bit here (I think we were wearing hoop skirts and everything).
Must be the merlot I'm drinking.
I suddenly wish I had a mint julep.
Love you, chica.
Dear Daven ~
Auntie Natalie is getting a new piano for her basement soon. Please drag your mommy and daddy over here so you can play to your heart's content!
I love you!
Go with the piano... they say if you learn piano you can master any other instrument.
That's so cute with Daven and his Daddy :)You'll have to start recording his notes for us.
Music will tranform our little one's lives, and ours along with it.
So proud of the little guy!
That photo of Daven and Logan at the piano says it all. I love it!
AWE What a great picture, they are having so much fun...
Love Ya