Published Thursday, November 30, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

Last night while I was cookin-up some dinner, I decided to try a different technique with Daven and food. I sat him up in his high chair and gave him some Gerber food that seemed to be very thick. Oatmeal, applesauce, and bananas. Everything I have tried up until this point has been thin in hopes of it somehow getting down Daven’s throat. But he still easily spits it back out.
So on this night, I thought we could try the opposite. I almost pulled out the peanut butter…but I thought we would start with the oatmeal. After one bite, he seemed to like it! Didn’t end up swallowing it, but you could see in his face he was pleased with the taste/texture. I gave him another spoon full and he had the same reaction. Finally, I decided to dump it on the tray like I have done before. As soon as I did this, we had a BREAKTHROUGH!
Daven took his hand, scooped up a bite and fed himself. THEN, he actually swallowed. It was like I was frozen in time. Um, did I just see that? Surely not, I probably just wasn’t watching close enough. THEN he did it again right before my very eyes! Daven actually took a bite and swallowed three times! THREE TIMES! I know, this doesn’t sound like a true breakthrough…but with Daven I can assure you…THIS IS HUGE!

We have been trying trying trying to get him to swallow any form of food. Last night was the first time (since he was 6 months old) that he has actually swallowed anything other than formula. Yes, he puts food in his mouth, yes, he plays with it a bit…but he has never actually swallowed anything until last night. We had a great time playing and eating. This may possibly be the secret, make it a fun time…not forcing the food on him. Granted, once he was done with food, he was DONE! I couldn’t get him cleaned up and out of that high chair fast enough.
We will be trying again tonight with possibly peanut butter. GranZ said he ate two bites of a cracker this week too! What about peanut butter and crackers? Hum, we could make all sorts of combinations! Oh the possibilities!
I'm gonna start calling him Mr. Independent. He doesn't want anyone to tell him what to do...he wants to do things on his own schedule. Sounds like he's got a little bit of his Mommy and Aunt in him. ;)
Congratulations! He's a big boy now:-)
That is soo awesome!! What a great accomplishment. I love the pictures, he is so adorable. I've been meaning to comment to you for a few days now. It sounds like Daven is growing and getting more independent every day right before your eyes. I remember the first few times Ella threw temper tantrums I just looked at her in awe. Now we are in the midst of "terrible-twos" and you are just never quite sure what you are going to get. Do you know what though, keep your sense of humor and it can be amusing!! Although sometimes easier said than done. Take care.
Oh yeah, What a great guy Logan is to surprise you like that. Sounds like you guys had a great time. What a cute couple!
That's AWESOME!! It's so funny how excited we get over eating :) You must have been shell-shocked. And he's doing it like he's been doing it for years!
(Wait- maybe that's it. Maybe he's been sneaking past you and raiding the fridge when you're sleeping :) )
On a sidenote, Bray won't eat the slippery thin food very well. His Speech therapist said it was because he probably can't control it. With the thicker food (I use a lot of oatmeal) he can control it and eats A LOT more. Since Daven swirls the food around his mouth he may not have the sensitivity like Brady does, but just a thought...
Oops, a second sidenote - only because it would probably happen to us because there is nothing else challenging in our lives, haha... after you feed him the peanut butter just make sure he doesn't have hives on his back or get little dots around his mouth (or other allergic reactions). If so, he may have an allergy to it. I only bring it up because I tell everyone the same thing because my older son is allergic to peanut butter. Not to rain on your parade!! I have a shellfish allergy and Tom is allergic to bees so the food allergy was a possibility.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!!!
I know how huge this is! I am so very happy for you, Aspen. And proud of all the hard work you and Daven have put in to get o this point. Lately, it sounds like Daven and Avery are up to the same things, grand accomplishments and general naughtiness that just makes us go to sleep at night with big goofy smiles. I am just gushing at this moment because Daven makes me so happy and so does knowing you guys!
Love always,