Let me start off by saying that I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I have not updated for a few days because the internet at our house has been very sporadic over the past few days. I got tired of fighting with it!
We had a great Thanksgiving Day at our house. Yes, I ate plenty of cinnamon rolls, watched the parade and the Cowboys, and put up the tree. We also had a great time putting up the famous luminarias. It ended up being a BEAUTIFUL day outside! Daven even joined us on the lawn for a little outside play time. We had the exhausting chore done in almost 2 hours. I’d say that’s pretty good for only 5 of us! Here is Daven enjoying his thanksgiving dinner. Mashed potatoes, a pinch of turkey, some bread and it isn’t a thanksgiving meal without a few cheerios. (Of course he didn’t actually eat any of it…bu

t we tried!) I, on the other hand, ate so much turkey and dressing that I had to loosen a notch out of my belt. (I am running out of notches!)
Friday Logan had a full day of surprises for me. He started out by saying that he had arranged Daven to go to GranZ’s house for the afternoon so we could catch a nice lunch and a matinee. I was shocked by this! So we put on our best jeans and dropped Daven off at his GranZ’s for an afternoon of fun! However, that wasn’t the surprise. Logan drove right past the restaurant and the movie theatre explaining that he thought we might like to go to a nicer restaurant in Clovis for a really nice dinner. I was shocked once again! After that, he changed his mind once more. Saying that he thought maybe we should go to Lubbock (about an hour and a half away) for a very nice evening and a small “get out of town” trip. Again, I was shocked! Once we finally got to Lubbock and enjoying our dinner we were discussing what movies we might like to catch there…and he had one final surprise! He informed me that we weren't going to the movies because he had purchased tickets to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra for a Christmas concert.
You can imagine my surprise by this. I had no idea this was coming. We had an amazing time watching an amazing show. If you have never heard of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra you should check them out at
http://www.trans-siberian.com/ Picture “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” meets “Motley Crew.” It was a bizarre combination, but strangely it works. The arena was packed leaving no empty seats with a mixture of people and clothes. Some were dressed as if they were going to the symphony while others were dressed in cut off flannel shirts. We were somewhere in the middle. As we watched the Christmas green and red laser show, I couldn’t help but wonder if we would ever be able to take Daven to a show like this. Would he love the music or hate it? Would he be able to handle the loud music and crazy lights? Maybe next year we can attempt a smaller version to see what he thinks and possibly sit a bit father back.

Here we are as soon as we found our seats. This is our sorry attempt at taking our own picture. As you can see, I am excited and still in shock while Logan is a bit annoyed that I actually had the camera in my purse. (Yes, I carry that thing around everywhere!) Soon after, an “Event Staff” attendant came up lecturing us about having a camera. We apologized and promised that it wouldn’t come out of my purse again.
We had a great evening and I am still not sure how he pulled off such a surprise! I can honestly say I had no idea this was coming. Thanks to GranZ and PapaT for keeping Daven so we could run away and enjoy an evening together.
Christmas is officially on the way! It will be here before we know it.
I love your self portraits! With my luck, I'd have a picture of the inside of my nostrils.
Color me impressed with Logan! I'm glad you guys had a wonderful time.
LUCKY!!!! WOW what a great surprise!!!
so nice the the two of you got out together I am glad you all had such a great time and a good holiday...Thanks for the card :)
WOW! Score for Logan! What a great suprise!
Logan is a great husband...does he have any single brothers in Indiana? Glad you had a great time, and thanks for sharing your thankgiving with us. Avery ate no turkey either, just too much commotion and she barely ate anything at all that afternoon. Oh well, honestly I don't care, she did try my french toast in the a.m.and we both enjoyed snuggling in our p.j.s and watching the parade as well(:
Love ya babe!
What a wonderful evening for you 2!