Orthopedic vs. Chiropractic
Published Tuesday, November 07, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

Tomorrow is the big day. We head out bright and early for a full day of doctors appointments. We start out with Daven’s well baby check up and possibly a flu shot. Yes, more shots! I am also sure we will have to have a calcium check and possibly other blood work.
We go straight from there to his orthopedic doctor. Which is where I expect the battle to begin, Round 1. (Not sure how many rounds I should expect.) Doctors are very skeptical of chiropractors and Daven has been seeing one now all his life. Daven’s first visit to the chiropractor was at 2 months of age. Now, in light of his scoliosis trouble, the research I found said that chiropractic work on a scoliosis child can do wonders! So, for the past 5 or 6 weeks, we have been taking Daven to the local chiropractor for a weekly alignment.
We won’t know if or how it is working until we get an xray done. Even then, it could be months or years before we know how the chiropractic work is doing. I am not sure how Daven’s orthopedic doctors will react to me mentioning his weekly chiropractor visits, but I am sure they will give me ugly looks as soon as I say the word chiropractor. I am going with my game face on!
It is also the big anniversary day. (One of them at least.) My goal is to go all day without having the urge to throw up in the corner. Wish me luck! I will update you as quickly as I can. Which means probably Thursday morning. Here goes nothing…
It sounds like a really big day....good luck tomorrow! My prayers and thoughts will be with you.
You will do great, throwing up in corners or not. It will be hard, but you will make it.
I don't think I need to tell you this, but don't forget to wear your brown lipstick. Hell, put on the brown lip liner.
I'll be thinking of you. Let me know how it went.
Positive thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. You won't throw up, you have this down girl--you have all the courage in the world. Remember, you are a Scorpio and will face down any doctor's ugly look!
Tomorrow will be a big day, just stay as strong as you can. I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow and hoping and praying everything goes better than expected. It is alright if you break down, you deserve to be able to do that everynow and again. Be careful.
Love you
Good luck... keep your chin up and your smile on, even when you're bitching them out. You go, girl!!!Hope it all goes well!
Love -K
Hang tough! Your momma instincts are strong and you know what's right! I've learned to ignore the ugly looks and barely perceivable eye-rolling at the mention of alternative medicine.
Belated Happy Birthday to you! I am glad you had a wonderful weekend!