Goodbye vs. Hello
Published Thursday, October 26, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Could it be possible for the “Hello” to be just as painful as the “Goodbye?” Yesterday, I finally saw GrandPa and GrandMama’s car pull into the driveway carrying my precious Daven. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. As I rushed out to the car, they were pulling him out of his car seat. I ran back to help them inside and as they pulled the blanket off, shielding his face from the bitter cold wind…I finally saw the face that I had missed so much!
I instantly started talking to him and telling how him much I missed him, only to get a blank stare and zero reaction whatsoever. As I put my hands out to reach for him, he simply looked at me like “can I help you?” After I had to grab him away (he certainly wasn’t just going to come to me) he then looked down and saw a few toys. After that, he squirmed and wiggled his way out of my arms so he could get to those toys.
I try not to take it too personal, but it is so hard. I am his mother…how is it possible that he doesn’t know his own mom? Does he know me, but simply doesn’t want to have anything to do with me? There are so many variables with Daven, he could have been sleepy, he could have been so anxious to just get down crawl around after being strapped in the car seat, he could have been mad that I left him in the first place…I will never know.
I can only hold on to the dreams of someday…having him run to me saying how much he missed me and loves me more than anyone else. Ah, someday.

On another note. Logan and I did get to go out and have a nice dinner with some friends. Here we are happy as can be to be eating out enjoying a nice quiet dinner and conversation with our friends. That is hard to come by when Daven is actually with us. He is always so restless and anxious in restaurants that we always spend the majority of dinner trying to keep him calm. It was nice to have adult conversation without having to manage Daven at the same time.
Rumor has it as well, that Daven is on the verge of actually saying “HI.” I have heard him once when prompted to say Hi. GrandPa and GrandMama insist that he said Hi to three different people. This is exciting and I know Daven’s language skills are literally on the tip of his tongue. Maybe soon, I will be reporting back that Daven is officially TALKING. I have a sneaking sensation that it will be soon.
You are such a HOTTIE! I'm glad you had a good night out.
As for the zero reaction has been the hardest thing so far with WS for me. My heart used to break daily. However, trust me -- it fades and will fade soon. Erik now smiles when he sees me, although he still doesn't always do it and goes back to what he is doing the majority of the time without coming to me. I don't take it personally too much anymore, although it still stings a bit.
When the D-Man starts saying "HI" he will not stop. Erik even says hi to the cat now. It is his favorite word.
I love you.
The not-knowing-his-mother thing is my second biggest issue - the first is the lack of the smile, still. I know they will do all that, but it seems like it will be so far away.
On another topic, what a great pic! It's nice to see your face head-on. Nance is right - you ARE a hottie! :)
Love -K
Yeah Daven!! I can not wait to hear him say Hi!! Hottie, yes you are.
Love ya