The Turtle Crawl
Published Tuesday, October 03, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Sorry for the delay in posting. I have been so scatter brained lately, that I didn’t even know where to begin putting my thoughts down in words. I had an amazing weekend with my husband and Daven. Logan and I spent Friday evening pushing Daven to crawl as hard as we thought he could handle. Once we thought he had enough, we put him down to try one final time. And before we knew it…Daven was crawling! He officially crawled about 4 feet. We ended up coaxing him with his bed time bottle. He was ready for bed and ready for that bottle, so he knew he had to crawl and get it!

As I was watching him, I could feel every single emotion run though my body. I instantly got hot and my face went red trying to hold back the tears that I knew were just below the surface. I was so physically motionless just watching in awe, that I didn’t even grab the camera. I held myself together until I crawled into bed myself. Then the tears poured down my face as I relayed the images in my head over and over.
What a joy to see that I never thought possible! Granted, it is a very jerky and raw crawl, but it is a crawl. He knows what he has to do and he knows how to do it. He is simply trying to get his weak body strong enough to handle the movements of crawling. After Friday evening, we haven’t seen much improvement in his crawling skills yet. Last night he did crawl and shimmy his way to they toys he wanted, they weren’t however but a foot or two away. I am still counting it as crawling! I call it the Turtle Crawl. Slow and steady.
On Saturday, we went to help the local University celebrate Homecoming by watching the parade and going to the football game. I was really worried and almost sick thinking of how Daven would the sights and sounds that come with a parade. He did wonderfully! The sirens didn’t bother his ears one bit! At one point a giant red fire truck blew a horn and Logan and I both jumped. I knew in my gut that Daven was about to FREAK out. I reluctantly peaked in his stroller and he had a grin on his face from ear to ear! We didn’t take him to the game however I knew that would be too much for my little man. So he stayed and played with GranZ and PapaT while Logan and I went to cheer the team on.
And finally, Sunday we all went to church. PapaT was the preacher on this specific Sunday…so it made the day even more special. We Love you PapaT and are so proud of you!

Logan still hasn’t heard from any jobs yet. We have however put things a bit on hold. He is currently helping my parents remodel their house a bit. So he has been super busy with that. It is going to be great when it is all said and done! We keep joking that on HGTV they never show the “in between” stage. Always the before and after pictures…but never that in between stage. When it gets worse before it gets better. HA! Logan sure has made a mess, I hope he knows what he is doing.
Happy week to you all!
I got all misty reading about Daven crawling -- I am SO HAPPY for you. Erik did the donkey crawl, which was a cross between some sort of spaz attack and kicking backwards yet going forward. They get the hang of it eventually...I promise.
Thinking of you lots. I have a music CD to send you but haven't gotten it in the mail yet!
That is so great I knew he was going to do it for ya over the weekend. Way to go!!! Sounds like a wonderful weekend :)
YAHOO!!! That is so awesome!!! He'll be crawling in a few days like he has been doing it for years. What a GREAT weekend!!!
Love - K
I am so happy for all of you!!! GO DAVEN!!!! No matter if it is one foot or four feet, he is crawling!!! Love you guys bunches!!!
geez, i really had to hold back the tears on this one. i'm so glad you write. it keeps me in touch with the emotions i so gladly avoid. =)
10 days, my friend...10 days!
Tears of joy flowing from me too! Happy happy, joy joy. This is an amazing step for Daven and will change his world. What a wonderful week for you!