Let me start out by apologizing to all those avid readers out there. Between work, traveling, Daven, and my blah feeling…I have simply not had anything constructive to write about. I am hoping that today is the beginning of snapping out of my funk.
We had an amazing trip to Colorado. Baby Raney is beautiful and Tia is one heck of a big sister. She wants to hold baby Raney and loves to kiss her. And always yells out “GranZ is holding baby Raney” or “Uncle Logan is holding baby Raney.” So very cute.
Tia also seems to have a giant sized crush on Logan. All weekend long we heard “LOOOOOGAAAAANNNN.” In which Logan would respond “TIIIIIIIIAAAAAA.” Then Tia would get giggly and shy.

She just loves her Uncle Logan. You can see her here holding a fish chasing after him. Long story, but we got a good laugh out of Tia chasing after Logan with her fish. Precious times.
As for Daven, well he actually was a rock star all weekend! He traveled perfectly, dealt with all the commotion brilliantly and only had one minor melt down. He was great! It is remarkable to me how when any child cries, Daven just cries along with them. He will be happy and laughing but the moment h

e hears a child cry, he will instantly change moods to a terribly sad boy. The more I see it, the more I realize that Daven truly has empathy for any child crying. You can already see that boys loving heart.
As we were driving over Black Canyon on the way home, we saw one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen. We turned a sharp corner and looked ahead to see beautiful white puffy clouds floating along through the canyon. Once we found a spot to pull over, we all jumped out to take in the beautiful scenery. It was a strange feeling being above the clouds without being in an airplane. Once we got through the canyon Logan noticed yet another beautiful site. A big horn sheep. (Or a Ram as I like to call it) We once again pulled over to watch this beautiful animal. When we finally got back in the car Logan shouted out “That’s it, I have to move to Colorado.” HA!

We have finally made it home and reality is settling once again. Logan still does not have a job, I still am not thrilled at my work, the house is still a giant mess (I was sure hoping the cleaning fairy would come while we were away), and Daven is still not crawling, talking or walking. However, we are still truly blessed on a daily basis with family and friends.
It’s almost Friday!
Making it a entire weekend with only one melt down with any toddler is a giant feat. I am impressed go Daven.
I am so glad the weekend went really well for you guys!! Man, you are an awesome writter, maybe that can be your third or fourth job(after mommy, wife, working mom which I might add is like super mom!!!). The pics. were amazing!! Love ya
Glad you had a great time! Avery cries too when the other baby at daycare cries, such sensitive little kiddos we have(: I always wondered if other kids did this, now I know! What a great kid Daven is!