Monday "Mourning" Madness
Published Monday, September 18, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

It was a nice quiet weekend. Got to see an old friend, got to hang out with current friends and of course stalled doing the regular weekend chores. As Daven and I were hanging out on the floor last night he decided he would show off a bit. His famous walker that Lisa got for him was next to him and he just grabbed it and stood up before I could stop him! Luckily the walker was against the fireplace so it couldn’t roll out from underneath him. I was so pleased that I ran and grabbed the camera! Look how proud he is of himself.
Last night he didn’t seem to sleep as well. At first I wasn’t sure why but around 5:00 am I figured out why. He suddenly exploded out of his diaper! (Yes, Sarah…this is still a mystery to all moms!) As he was laying in between Logan and I, we both woke up in a daze saying “What in the world is that smell?!” We both turned to Daven and he simply looked up at us both and smiled.
I quickly scooped him up and took him to his room to clean him up. His brace was on, so naturally this didn’t just fill up his
diaper, he was covered from head to toe! As I was ripping his grey wife beater shirt off…it even got in his hair! I am sure I don’t have to tell you that this was WAY too much for me to handle at 5:00 am!
I promptly started a bath to try and wash the stink off of him. After I scrubbed him for over 30 minutes, I pulled him out and got him dressed in some warm clo

thes. By the time I got him cleaned up and dressed, it was my turn to get in the shower. I put on a movie so Daven would be content for the at least the next 30 minutes and jumped in the shower.
I got in the shower only to find I had used all the hot water for Daven’s bath! I know what you are thinking…either I have scorched my child in a HOT bath or I am exaggerating. I can assure you that neither one is true. Daven does like his bath’s warmer than most children…but hot water in my house is simply nonexistent. (Autumn can attest to this!) After I finally got myself cleaned up and Daven cleaned up and sent off with GranZ I looked over at Logan and he was fast asleep. He hadn’t even been fazed by the craziness of the morning, go figure!
I am not exactly in "mourning" but I sure do need a nap! It has already started out to be a crazy and hectic week.
How do these men always get the luxury of sleeping while we're moving the Earth around? Tom is like that too... and he wonders why I am beat when I "sit around all day and eat bon bons". (haha)
Congrats to Daven!! He will be hard to catch now!!
Love -K
Look at that cute little kid go! He is getting stronger and stronger!
Oh lordie gotta love the poop explosions. As Erik would say, "POOOOOP!" There are some messes in our adult lives that make us wonder how to even begin cleaning up. I always feel like calling my mother for the answer, even at my age.
Love you, girlie. I think I'll wear my brown lipstick and lip liner this week to therapy.
I am so glad that he digs that walker it makes me smile to see him get such pleasure out of it. Isn't it amazing how something so little can put out such a big smell. YUCK! Daven looks great sending Kisses :) Love You
Poor Dave (or poor you???) with the diaper-action....
I feel as if you wrote about my husband, he usually sleeps through while Szabi is crying, sometimes I am so evil, I wake him up to step across to his son's room :DDDD
I am so proud of Daven!!!!! He is getting more and more skilful!!! I love the photo!!! I remember when Szabi did this feat not a long time ago and we had no fireplace in front of the walker.... he had a few more hunch on his head :)))
Love, Kati
Look at that big boy!! I am so proud of him. Standing up like he owns the world. YEAH DAVEN! You go baby boy!! Sorry can't help myself! You know that boy gets those smells from his daddy! I can definately attest to that. Hope that you guys have a great day! LOVE and miss ya! Shay