Are You Ready for Some Football?
Published Thursday, September 07, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

Yes, that’s right…football season officially starts tonight! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Neither one of the teams will I be cheering for particularly…but football is football!
I suppose my love for football started many years ago. My two older brothers were football stars back in their prime, and I had always joked that unlike most mothers, I would much rather my son play football than basketball or baseball. I have just never had a love for those sports. Logan on the other hand, was a brilliant basketball player in high school. Coming in at almost 6 feet 6 inches, I guess you can’t help but be great at that sport.
Before Daven was diagnosed, we would banter back and forth if he would be a basketball star that Logan had always dreamed of or a football star that I had always dreamed of. Bets were more and more for a basketball star considering how tall he was.
Now that we know the ins and outs of what we can expect from Daven and Williams Syndrome, I find myself letting the “sports star” dreams die along with so many others. I do hope Daven can at least learn to love football as much as his daddy and I do. But who knows, maybe I will get to cheer him on as he is marching in the band out on the football field. ;-)
Football also means that fall is here! I am not sure that I would say fall is my favorite season, but it is at least number two on the list. “It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils…” – Joe Fox from You’ve Got Mail

And I don’t need to tell you how much I LOVE the Quaking Aspen trees changing to their brilliantly orange, yellow, and red colors.
All this to say…Goodbye Summer, WELCOME AUTUMN!
Being an ex-marching band geek, I can tell you that there is nothing like the roar of the crowd as you stand tall in your polyester bell bottoms and precariously balanced water buffalo hat with shiny plastic chin strap. I wouldn't trade memories of marching on fields and in parades for anything...I hope Erik is out there marching with Daven, too! It's all part of football!
Silly Oregon State lost last night. I was even in my OSU attire!