Thank God I'm a Country Boy
Published Thursday, August 31, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

I took this picture this morning before I sent Daven off with GranZ. He looked so big and tall in his overalls and I noticed how much he looked like an ol’ country boy, headed off to the farm for a hard days work. All he needed to wrap up the look was to have his Justin boots on. Sorry Chyanne, next time I will be sure to get them in the picture, along with his working gloves!
♪ Well life on a farm is kinda laid back
Aint much an old country boy like me can’t hack
It’s early to rise, early in the sack
As soon as I got done taking the picture, he fell to his bum and instantly started crying. It didn’t hurt him a bit, so I had to giggle at how dramatic he was. He doesn’t get that from his momma at all. (Insert sarcasm here)
Last night was the first time I heard Logan explain Daven and Williams Syndrome to an old high school friend of his. It was one of those conversations when an old pal calls that you haven’t talked to in about 3 years. He knew we had a son, but had no idea about the recent diagnosis. So at first, Logan dodged the questions and topic in general. But as the friend kept asking if Daven was talking and walking, Logan finally had to tell him about WS. Logan simply said, “No, he was born with a syndrome that affects his development.” Then that obviously brings on more questions from the friend. Logan did a great job explaining WS and how it will affect Daven in many different ways.

Listening to him explain things made me sad, proud, encouraged, along with so many other feelings. I tried my hardest to let Logan describe WS in his own words, without whispering what to say in his ear. I also had to hold back the tears because once again, hearing him say it…made it all real to me. I imagine we will be describing WS many more times to friends that will call out of the blue. Maybe with time, it will get easier for me.
Now if we could just get him to fill out those overalls a little more...
Wow, he looks so big!!!
Your little country boy is to cute. He and Tatum well be out little city mouse and country mouse...a regular "Green Acers" in the making. LOL
I have not really heard Chris discribe WS yet, since I hardley ever stop talking he really has not had to. I can imangin how it must have made you feel, not so sure I am looking forward to that day and all those emotions running through me. Kinda bitter sweet eh...I would imagine it is only going to get easier.
Love Ya ;) lisa
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Tell Logan I am proud of him too(:
Color me impressed with Logan. That is a big step for sure.
Good grief, how cute is that boy of yours? I wanna hug him, hug him, hug him!