Last night Garrett and Micah invited us over for dinner and games. We didn’t get to the games, but I am sure you know we weren’t about to miss dinner. We actually splurged and let Papa Murphy cook dinner and all I can say is he sure knows how to make a good pizza! Yum!

Daven was a bit grumpy so we didn’t stay very long. Not sure if he needed to have a “poppy diaper” (I know you are loving this post already!) or was just wanting to be antisocial. Either way, he was happy as long as he could play with Cousin Luke’s toys! Here are both the boys playing. Daven is standing/leaning on Luke’s walker and he is trying to show Luke how to really spin a toy. Daven is the spinning champ so he was giving a few hints to his cousin.
Luke, as you can see, is much more fascinated with Daven and just wanted to touch him and talk to him. This is usually the reaction we get from Daven, but again for some reason…he just wasn’t interested in any fun last night.

While Daven was happily being a loner in Luke’s crib…Auntie Micah gave Luke a bath. Look at the rolls on this boy! What a tank! He is going to be all grown up before you know it, Auntie Micah.
No sign of Daven pulling up to stand again. GranZ said that he has tried a few more times, but hasn’t succeeded like he did that very first time. He will get there, I can feel it. He is getting much more curious about things now and that is all it takes. He isn’t going to do anything until he WANTS to do it.
Is Friday here yet?
Those are two cute boys!
Oh, what a wonderful picture about the 2 little boys!!! :)
Spinning, spinning.... how familiar for me :D
What a little rolly polly Luke is how cute.
Daven Looks like quite the older cousin teaching him about the spinners. Good for Luke he gets to learn from a professional :)
No Worries Asoen it is finally FRIDAY!!! Yip Ehhh
What a precious pic! He's such a cutie-patootie!
Just got caught up on the postings, great to hear about Daven pulling up!! Yea!!! Love his haircut too!