Okay, so I guess it really was much ado about SOMETHING. Last night, I was cooking dinner while Logan was watching some high quality TV show such as CSI and Daven was in his crib playing his little heart out. As I started to wrap things up and put dinner on the table, I heard a giant crash and a huge cry! I knew instantly what had happened.

Yep, Daven fell OUT of his crib! I am absolutely ashamed to say that we haven’t lowered his crib yet (on the husband’s to-do list, the uncompleted side obviously), but had really planned on doing it this weekend.
After I heard the crash and scooped him up, I completely fell apart. I literally wanted to throw up but knew I couldn’t be away from him long enough to actually throw up. After we comforted him and looked him over, we didn’t see any signs of broken bones. Simply a “skid” mark on his forehead.
After I called GranZ freaking out, she came rushing over. We watched him play and kept a VERY close eye on him for the next three or four hours while never letting him sleep. Once we finally let him crash out (okay bad use of words) for the night, I decided to wake him up every two hours. Just to make sure he was still alert. GranZ stayed the night with us so she could help ease my fears and comfort ME because I was a mess!
As we all began to stir around this morning, we did another examination of Daven. I am happy to report that he is perfectly fine! He has a small “rug burn” on his forehead from the fall, but no sign of swelling, concussion, broken bones, and/or funny behavior.
This has been a day of bitter sweet feelings. I am thrilled he pulled and crawled up, but I will never forget that feeling in the pit of my stomach that something ha

s just gone terribly wrong. I know this will be one of many “spills” he will have, I am just hoping that with a few guardian angels and by being an attentive MOM I can keep them down to a dull roar. I just hope he decides that sky diving isn’t a sport he is interested in again for a long time!
Thank you GOD for protecting my angel and his tiny body last night. YOU have reminded me how much he is a fighter! He is a little guy that packs a powerful punch, no matter what (floor, in this case) he is faced with.
**On a side note, within an hour after it happened…Logan lowered the crib mattress.
***You may notice the cross Daven is chewing on in one of the pictures; this was leftover from me saying few HAIL MARRY prayers. They must have worked. ;-)
When my 8-year-old was just a year or so, he fell down the basement steps. Luckily, I grabbed him during the fall down the steps, but before he hit the cement basement floor. How many promises I made to God in tha next minute-and-a-half I couldn't tell you. He was fine, but I felt so guilty and sad.
I know something happens to every kid, and I'm just wondering what Brady's going to do that will cause my heart to race and panic.
I'm with ya, girlfriend! Think of the bright side - he pulled himself over and out! That's so cool! When he is older he will love the story about "rug burn on his nose" as my son loves his trip down the stairs... it's a boy thing, I think. :)
OK...might as well turn this into an outright "Mother's Confessions" page...
Shortly after we brought Luke home from the NICU, we had quite a scare with him, too. He had to sleep in an upright position to keep his food down, and he was still only 5 tiny pounds, so we had him sleeping in his stroller at the foot of our bed. We kept him swaddled pretty tight, and he slept like a rock ~ we still had to wake him up every 3 hours to feed him at that point. He was also still on a heart monitor in case he stopped breathing while asleep.
Well, one night I heard a muffled thud and he suddenly started screaming like I had never heard before. I lunged out of bed to find him face down on the carpet... He had somehow slid down and worked his way underneath the tray of the stroller and fallen to the floor! Talk about panicking... I was sure he would have something seriously wrong with him, and I was a complete wreck for several days afterward.
Once again, Aspen, welcome to the ranks of the seasoned mommies!! Wish I was still there to comfort you!
You know there are 2 kinds of kids the ones that have fallen and the ones that are going to fall...LOL sadley mine have both fallen...Yes Tatum too, we fell together,oops :)
Glad Daven is doing fine:)
When our 3 yr.old was 10 mos. he fell all the way down the basement steps. We took him to the ER immediately and there was absolutely nothing wrong w/ him! I had flashbacks (of the sickening thuds and my screaming) for days and couldn't shake the sick, guilty feeling for weeks. His only bruise was gone in a day! You have lots of company on this one!