A few weeks ago, Amy (mom to Avery) suggested giving Daven some Beef Jerky to chew on. She said that it would be something for him to chew on while waking up his taste buds. Sounded good to me, so I thought I would give it a whirl.
Saturday, Logan handed Daven a small piece of Beef Jerky to try out. He wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. Then he stuck it in his mouth like he does everything else, and threw it away. Then he picked it back up to try again, and threw it away. You catch my drift.
After about 4 or 5 times going up and down, he finally decided that this wasn’t such a bad taste. He started to really gnaw in it then. Here he is with his slab of beef hovering over it as if he was a scavenger that hadn’t seen any food in months.
I have since learned that it is best to try this with the jerky called Slim Jim, but for now…this is working. It just seems so wrong to me throwing some jerky at my child like I am saying…”Here
kid, chew on this for a while.” HA!

Who would have thouht that Beef Jerky would have an important place in our society? :) That's such a great idea.. one I'm sure Brady will chew on one day.
Cute pics! Happy Labor day!
Ah, yes...jerky. One of Brian's all-time favorite submarine foods. Look out ~ you may have a sailor on your hands! :)
That is the cutest carnivore I have seen in some time.