Today through a random trivia question, I found out that a human has 46 chromosomes verses 94 chromosomes in a goldfish. Maybe it is only me, but I was SHOCKED to find out that a goldfish had 48 MORE chromosomes than humans. I found this to be very odd and a bit confusing.
As many of you know Williams Syndrome is a genetic disorder. Daven was born without the #7 chromosome and because of ONE missing chromosome it will cause medical and developmental problems for the rest of his life. Funny how a few little chromosomes can make such a BIG difference. As my sister-in-law so brilliantly stated…”I wonder if there are many goldfish with disabilities.” HA! And that is why you are my friend Micah! I LOVE YOU.
On another note…I am feeling the heaviness of September 11 today. This year, unlike the past years seems much worse. Partly because of the 5 year anniversary and partly because I have seen Washington DC first had. I feel however, that for the most part, the tension I am feeling is because my sister is now there in the middle of it all. Saturday evening as I watched all the

documentaries and recaps of that horrific day, I found myself cringing at the thought of it happening again.
I am sure every person in this country feels the same, but I suppose this is the first time I have truly had any connection to anyone or anything that close to all the action. (So to speak.) Having a sister that works at the Capitol Building is as comforting as it is terrifying to me. When we spoke earlier today, she said that it is probably the safest place to be and she is probably right. I do still feel a little unsettled as the day goes on.
I still feel a little motherly instinct knowing that she is more than a thousand miles away. Luckily, because of modern technology…I talk to her on a regular basis. Sometimes I actually forget that she is so far away. I think I would have ulcers in my stomach if it were not because of instant messaging and cell phones. We are lucky to have such great amenities at our finger tips.
We love you Auntie Autumn and miss you tons! (Only 104 days till Christmas!)
Well, I wish I could take away your anxiety for this day...heck, I wish I could take away my own anxiety for today. But, it's been okay...just like any other day for the most part. Amen for IM and cell phones! What a life saver they are! I miss you guys so the new picture of Daven. He's starting to make his own Baby Einstien decisions!
Look at that big boy of yours!
Today was kind of weird all around. You can't help but think of what happened 5 years ago.
I think of you often and miss you terribly although I have never met you!
Nancy & Erik
AND goldfish's memory is about 40 seconds... go figure!
We're all feeling the heaviness.. can't wait for this day to be over. Do love the new picture of Daven... he is getting older so quickly, it seems!
Love -K