IT’S A GIRL! My second niece arrived yesterday morning. As of today, Mom and baby are doing very well. We haven’t seen her yet, but plan on traveling to Colorado very soon to see how beautiful she is. From what we have heard, she is a “ball of fire” and Cousin Tia has her work cut out for her. I just wanted to share our good news with you.
*I am proud to introduce Baby Raney Lee Moore. Born on September 16 at 11:07 am. Weighing 7 lbs 1 oz, measuring 20 inches long.

We LOVE you already Baby Raney! Your Uncle Logan, Auntie Aspen, and Cousin Daven can't wait to meet you!
*Just a little reminder for those of you that don’t know me…Baby Raney belongs to my brother and his wife; Mom and Dad to Cousin Tia.
Welcome to this world, Baby Raney Lee Moore!!!! You are beautiful!
Love, Kati
So Cute...Congrtats to all