Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

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Daven and I have been busy singing many songs over the past few months. He simply sits on my lap and watches my mouth, hands making the motions, and of course listens to my horrific voice as I belt out songs.

His latest favorite has been Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. We have a list of so many that we sing, but this song is sure to bring a smile on his face. Here he is as I point out where his mouth is. He always loves to move his mouth down trying to touch my fingers with his tongue while I am pointing out “and eyes, and ears, and MOUTH, and nose…”

I am hoping that some day, he will be able to sing so many of these songs along with me. ABC’s, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row Your Boat, Jesus Loves Me, Patty Cake, and so many others.

I encourage all moms of Williams Syndrome children to sing with your child. For that matter, sing with ALL your children. They don’t care how horrible that voice is. (Not until they are old enough to tell you at least!) WS children obviously gravitate to music so use that to your advantage. Take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to sing. Consider it an extra therapy session. Speech therapy helping their language skills.

I am not trying to toot my own horn here in anyway. I just wanted to show off these precious pictures of Daven and me as we sing our little hearts out.


10 Responses to “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”

  1. Blogger taiautumn 

    Cute pictures! On Sunday I was holding him for the invitation hymn. While I was singing he pressed his ear to my mouth to hear me sing. Talk about melting my heart! It was all I could do to keep singing and not start crying!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Love the pictures!! So cute!!!

  3. Blogger Nancy 

    Our fave right now is "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Erik tries to do the spider climbing with his hands and just loves it.

    Great photos of you and Daven!

    P.S. My singing is abysmal.

  4. Blogger Kati 

    Wonderful pictures!!!! :)))))
    I don't think that your voice is worse than mine.... I have terrible voice, but Szabi enjoyes it (of course I used to sing ONLY at home :DDDDDD)
    Love, Kati

  5. Blogger Amy 

    Right now I am working on animal sounds so Old McDonald is big around my house right now. Also this one: "5 little monkies swingin in a tree, say to mister alligator can't catch me, no you can't catch me. (lower your voice and sing) Up comes mister alligator quiet as can be, SNAP! (and clap you hands like a alligators chomp) that monkey outta that tree, 4 little monkies swingin..." BTW I am a rock star. Ha, in my dreams. Also hilarious is me trying to sing "You Are My Sunshine" I have no idea what the words really are and make them up as I go along. And occsionally when I am bored I'll sing Quiet Riot to her, "So cum on feel the noise
    Girls rock your boys
    We get wild, wild, wild,
    We get wild, wild, wild,
    So cum on feel the noise
    Girls rock your boys
    We get wild, wild, wild,
    At your door". Why I do this I have no idea, if just came out of my mouth one day. We are such good moms to sing to out kids(:

  6. Blogger Kerry 

    I love to sing, my poor children.. I do get requests from my 8-year-old at bedtime. I always sang "Blackbird" by the Beatles to him and our special song "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan - I will post the words on my blog because they will make you cry :)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you and Daven!!!! Think about changing your signature to it- it is so precious!! :)
    Love -K

  7. Blogger Lisa 

    Emma always sign to Tatum, it saves me from having to use my terrible voice...:) Those pictures are beautiful...

  8. Blogger Nicole 

    It is amazing how much Emerson loves singing. I can be chatting away to her or reading a book and she will look away at other things. The minute I start singing she stares at me, touches my face and just can't get enough.

    The pictures are adorable!!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    TOO CUTE!!! You should dip your fingers in chocolate icing...then it would be like two treats in one singing and sweats!!!! You can't go wrong with chocolate!Well that my perspective anyway!! Love you guys!



  10. Blogger Ava's Grandma Kim 

    I love to sing to Ava! She loves it, just stares at my mouth and then starts her side to side dance. Occasionally she will yell out a "Hey!" Strangely enough, when her daddy was little he would cover his ears and say "DON'T SING!" Does that tell you anything about my voice??

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About me

  • I'm Aspen
  • From Clovis, New Mexico, United States
  • Happily married to Logan for 5 years. We have a precious son Daven Tate who was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome (a genetic disorder)at 11 months old. What a joy it will be to watch him grow. Daven just turned TWO!
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