I took a big gulp and called Daven’s doctors today. I have been stalling, (for reasons I do not know) but knew the time had come to book his next appointment. After I looked through my book, I realized that we hadn’t gone to any doctors appointments in almost 4 months. That has to be a record time span in Daven’s young 22 months of age.

We will be taking Daven to see his orthopedic doctor next Wednesday, November 8. I can already feel my body tense up and my stomach turn. I know they will be asking me how Daven has been doing with his brace. They will want an xray to see if his back has gotten any better or worse. They will also be looking closely at his feet to see if orthotic braces are needed.
We will also be seeing Daven’s pediatrician for his 20 month check up. (only 2 months late) There, I will once again be faced with so many questions that I will have to answer with, “No, not yet.” No, he isn’t eating solids yet. No, he isn’t saying any words yet. No, he isn’t walking yet. YES, he IS crawling! This, however, isn’t what is causing my anxiety.
The time is rapidly approaching that we will have to schedule an appointment to meet with his Genetic Specialist. The doctor that diagnosed Daven with WS

almost a year ago. Our famous date for actual FISH test results was November 16, 2005. However, the day we met with the genetic specialist was November 8. Yes, a year ago next Wednesday.
I can feel my body go into that infamous panic, scared to death, sick to my stomach – mode in anticipation of next Wednesday’s appointments. A year ago on this exact day, I was given some of the hardest news of my life. You think my son has what? What does William Syndrome mean? How did he get WS? Was it something I did when I was pregnant? How could this happen to my child? NOOO, he is fine…just a little weak and delayed, that’s all!
My how a year has flown by. So many questions answered from that day to today and yet so many more questions left unanswered. Daven's doctors appointments are only beginning. My days of tensing up and stomach turning are still inevitable. Anniversary’s of these famous dates will be still be hard to swallow. BUT, I have officially survived one full year. I have met so many other brave moms and seen pictures of their beautiful angels. Thanks for riding this roller coaster journey with me. I LOVE YOU all!
Just reading your post and how you feel makes my stomach feel like it is stuffed with live guppies.
There is nothing I can say except you are never alone and I am always praying for you the best I know how.
I finally sent you something today...I would like to think I knew somehow you would need it. Hope you like it.
All of my love,
The infamous 1 yr anniversary and making it through is really the only reward, besides having the most wonderful son in the world. We will be thinking about you next week. Stay strong,
I can't beleive you went four months without a dr's appt. I think the longest we've gone is one month... I am really impressed!
It's amazing to think how strong you've been over the past year... what changes have come and how hard you kept it together for your family. You are a wonderful mother. You have been through so much more than so many others, give yourself the accolades you deserve, as well as a tear or two. We all feel for you and know what you are going through - never feel you have noone!!
On a sidenote, our most favorite appt was the geneticist yearly that we went to in Sept. Our geneticist is a young, wonderful woman with honesty but a tender side. She remardked how great Brady was doing and how great we were for what we were doing. I know yours will see the same in daven... he is doing GREAT!! Plan a yummy lunch after your appt .. got any Panera's out there?
Blessings out for you... and I will be thinking of ou next week. :)
Love -K
You are such a great Mom!!! Daven is truly luckly to have you, as you him! I am so sorry about all the anxiety, stomach pains and everything. I wish there was a magic wand we could just wave and everything would be fixed.
Just remember you are a great mom and you have been doing so much, so give yourself a hug.
That's so weird that you first heard Daven's diagnosis on November 8, 2005 because that was the date of Clare's open heart surgery. So that date will also be forever stuck in my head.
This year of anniversaries has been tough in many ways. I look back and can't believe it's been a year. And then I will cry all over again as the emotions echo in my heart. We, too, are starting the rounds of doctor's appointments again and I remember how much I hate it all sometimes! I know how you feel, Aspen. Just breathe and take it one day at a time.
Wow everyone seems to be coming up on a yr. What a life changer this one was eh...I bet this is not going to be the best month for you but ya know we are all here for you. We'll chat soon. Love You