Happy Birthday to ME!
Published Monday, November 06, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Last Friday was my 27th birthday. I was so spoiled on my special day. I am spoiled everyday, but Friday I was especially spoiled. I received flowers from my long time friend Janae, from Lisa, and from my amazing husband! I also got a few gift cards, Mary Kay goodies, clothes, a beautiful “Mother and Child” necklace, and so many other things. (Even some unmentionables!)
The best part about my birthday was this weekend. It started Friday night with a girls night out on the town. Logan gave me the night off to spend some quality time with a few of my girlfriends. Oh we had a blast. It was a long night of pure laughter! By the end of the evening, our faces hurt from laughing so hard and had a perma-grin on. We missed you Amanda and Sarah, but we will catch you on the next girls night out! Thanks Blanca and Micah for helping me celebrate and for sharing the evening with me. I love you both!
Saturday Logan and I had a great day just relaxing and enjoying each others company. We ended up calling my good friend Amanda over to see if she could sit with Daven while we went out and enjoyed a nice quiet dinner and movie. After we thought about it for a while, we figured out this was one of the only times we have left Daven with a true-blue babysitter. Every other time has always been with family. I would have been fine all night long, had I not remembered this little fact. I would start to get worried and ask Logan if we should call home and see if Amanda and/or Daven were okay? Every time he assured me things were fine and if they weren’t she would be sure to call. Sure enough, when we got home…all was well. They had played all night long and watched lots of Daven’s movies. I apologized to Amanda for not having any snack food in the house. (One of the only reasons I loved babysitting so long ago, was to raid the family’s house for good snacks!) I was so proud of Daven for being such a big boy and not giving the babysitter too much trouble! YAY, that in itself is a huge success. Thanks to you Amanda for coming at such short notice. We had a great night and felt stress-free when leaving Daven with you.
And finally, Sunday was birthday lunch with my family. Monga (my grandmother) made her famous enchiladas and all the fixins that go with it and a giant German chocolate cake for dessert. Oh it was heavenly! What a great way to end my birthday!

I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone for making this day so special! I needed a great birthday and it ended up being not only an amazing day, but an amazing weekend! We could stretch it out to a week long celebration! Who needs a birthDAY, how about a birthWEEK?
Happy happy birthday!!! What a great weekend you had! It should be birth-MONTH!
Lvoe -K
Wow, what a great birthday EXTRAVAGANZA!
What none of those super hot-mamma pictures were posted!!!!
I am so glad you had such a great birthday :)
Happy happy to you, Aspen! You deserve it!
Happy Birthday!!! Daven and I had a blast!!! I am glad you guys had a great night out as well. :)
Love Amanda
Thank you, for letting us celebrate with you. It was a great night we should do it more often. It can really take that stress away. I wish a wonderful year. I was just happy to be part of it. LOVE YOU!!! By the way were are the pictures????
Happy Birthday, Aspen! 27 is my favorite number, so it's a good age to be. That's my age forever...
Happy birthday! I want to be 27 again, cause you get to have cool names like Aspen, Micah, and Blanca. My age group consists of Kims, Karens, and Debbies. Ugh.
You are so blessed to have such wonderful friends. It really makes life easier, doesn't it? I hope you don't wait for your next birthday to have another great night out! Have fun again soon!