This day in history…November 16 is a very important day for many reasons. First: In 1907 Oklahoma became the 46th state of the union. (Not exactly sure why this is important to me or you directly, but it is important to this nation.) Second: In 1959 the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music” opened on Broadway. (This one is for you mom!) Third: In 1975, my brother was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE T! WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! (Yes, just to verify…he is MUCH older than me!) And finally: In 2005, we got a call confirming Daven’s FISH test results. Our son was officially diagnosed with Williams Syndrome on this day exactly one year ago.
It was a brisk evening, the fireplace was burning one of the first fires of the season. I was frantically doing laundry, cleaning the house, and packing getting ready for a weekend trip to visit my aunt in Colorado. I had actually slowed down long enough to grab a bite to eat when Logan’s cell phone rang. He looked at the caller identification only to notice an “unavailable” call; this is a good indication that it is Daven’s doctor calling. As soon as I could tell by the one sided conversation that it was in fact Daven’s doctor, my heart began racing. It was a short conversation; the doctor simply and bluntly stated that the results were back and Daven in deed had Williams Syndrome. Logan hung up the phone and looked at me and said, it’s confirmed.
This specific evening while any other night would not have been a
s memorable, will forever replay in my mind. I will remember very specific scents, events, and emotions of this day for

the rest of my life. Today, while a quiet somber day, h
as gone by quickly. Daven had a great session this morning with his speech therapist and is awaiting one now for his occupational therapist session.
After reflecting on the past year all day, I have come to realize that I am honestly very lucky. Would I have said this a year ago? NO! Still not sure I could say it on a daily basis today. But, thinking about how supportive Logan has been, how Daven has grown and developed over the past year, and now that I can look back and say that I believe the worst is behind us…I can today on this day say I am a lucky woman!
The Luckiest
By Ben Folds
I don’t get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here
And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
What if I’d been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I’d be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you
Next door there’s an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day, passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away
I’m sorry, I know that’s a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
I love both you boys with all my heart! I can’t wait to see what the future years have in store for our family. Thanks for this year, through all the good and the bad…I have grown to understand that I am “The Luckiest!”
What a great song...I know the year has not been the easiest for you...You have been such a rock for me so for that I am thankful Ws has brought us together.
No... Daven is "THE LUCKIEST" ... he picked a great mom with you. You have been a great friend and source of inspiration. Thank YOU!
Love -K
Hello from the 33rd state in the union!
I checked to see if you updated your blog before I left to go pick up Erik yesterday with the intention of leaving a comment, but your words really hit me hard and turned me into a gooey mess. It was amazing because I felt everything right along with you all over again. All I can say is that I completely understand.
Driving home I was thinking what I would say to you about your WS anniversary when I stopped sniffling long enough to comment. Congratulations doesn't seem appropriate, but neither does anything else. It's a milestone for sure. I think the closest to appropriate I can come is YOU MADE IT, and that's a BIG DEAL. You are doing great.
I love you.
I agree.. What a year it has been!From a crying baby 24 hrs a day, static TV and constant swinging in the car seat to the sweetest, happiest, and most pleasureable child to be around. How life changes in the blink of an eye. What a wonderful family you have. YOU are the Luckiest. We all are lucky to have Daven in our lives. And a toast to the "best is yet to come"!!!:) Have a great day!! Love and miss you!
You have come far and I am very proud of you. Daven has a great mother. Daven has really grown up in the last year. I know it has not been easy, but when you look things don’t seem as bad. Remember God only give us what we can handle. A year ago I we did not even look this far ahead. You are a wonderful person. I offered to be there then and I will be here anytime you need I am just a phone call away. LOVE YOU.