"Not that bad," is Not that bad!

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As I was running out for my lunch break today, I got a call on my cell phone. It was a representative from the Medically Fragile Waiver program here in New Mexico. She just happened to be in town and asked if we had time to meet with her to discuss Daven and is eligibility for the Medically Fragile Waiver. When a call comes from a governmentally funded program, you take any chance you get. I was worried that if I told her I didn’t have time today, then it might be months before she got the chance to meet with us again. So I said a loud “SURE!” in reply.

She gave me an hour and a half to prepare. I immediately called Logan and GranZ to make sure they got Daven back at the house in time. All the guidance I have received over the past year from my brilliant Auntie Alowetta was to exaggerate Daven’s condition making it sound worse than it is in reality. Thinking this in the back of my mind, I wanted to be sure and have Daven dressed and ready to go…BRACE and all. ;-)

Logan and I pep talked each other with the understanding that we would not “brag” on Daven but rather downplay his abilities. We both went in ready to go…yes Nancy, brown lipstick and all! After our hour long consultation and observation, she informed us that Daven did not necessarily qualify in the Medically Fragile bracket. Meaning, he will not qualify for any government funding.

As soon as she left, I realized how exhausting it can be telling all that your child cannot do. Pointing out all his flaws, medical concerns, and delays...can be overwhelmingly sad!

I did however; appreciate the fact that the denial of the program was good/bad news. No, we won’t be getting the funding (however she did give us another road to try!), but it is nice to hear that your child is really… “Not that bad.” After visiting so many doctors and hearing all that is wrong with your child, it is honestly nice to hear that Daven is doing very well!

We will keep trying for governmental funding and keep knocking down doors. What do we have to lose right? But for today, Daven is actually a very healthy boy! I would much rather take the healthy side of him as opposed to the medically fragile side. So, we shall travel down other path in hopes of help there. Wish us luck!


3 Responses to “"Not that bad," is Not that bad!”

  1. Blogger Kerry 

    What I don;t understand is that WE'RE the people who need the $$ too... it can be very frustrating to be middle class! On the other hand, how nice that with all the bad stuff, your child is doing great! :) Apparently you need to get Daven in on your plan. :) Good job, Daven!
    Love -K

  2. Blogger Nancy 

    Well, that's good and bad, indeed.

    I am so happy Daven is doing well!

    Thank you for the photos! Erik can now saw "Daven" quite well. It's the cutest thing.

  3. Blogger Lisa 

    Daven is so cute I hope you can get some help but it is nice to know he is to good for it... I wonder how bad off you have to be to get assistance...they make is so hard it is jut crazy

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  • I'm Aspen
  • From Clovis, New Mexico, United States
  • Happily married to Logan for 5 years. We have a precious son Daven Tate who was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome (a genetic disorder)at 11 months old. What a joy it will be to watch him grow. Daven just turned TWO!
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