Wednesday after we returned home from a full day of doctors appointments, I found a nice surprise in my mailbox! It was a CD from a dear friend that was made

especially for me. I LOVED it. It couldn’t have come at a better time or day. Immediately, I stuck it in the computer to listen to all the amazing songs. Daven and I sat and listened to every song on the CD. We just laughed and danced along. He even once or twice put his ear to the speaker to hear the music more intently. I can already see his love for any and all music.
As you can see by the pictures, he was having an amazing time. I loved watching his face listening to the music and dancing along. Especially realizing that just four hours earlier, he was being stuck by needles and screaming out in pain. His smile is without a doubt the most beautiful sight in the world to me. When he smiles, his face can light up any room instantly.
Now that the weekend is finally here, I plan on enjoying the relaxing days ahead. My biggest task for the weekend will be to work with Daven trying more and more foods. Our biggest concern now, is feeding issues. We can only seem to get formula down him; he simply refuses to eat any real food. I will be playing with him and letting him feed himself in hopes that amongst the mess, he actually swallows a bite of food.
As a mother, there are some things that you wish you could go back and change. Daven’s food issue is one of those. When he was 6 months old, we started him on Gerber baby foods. He took to them right away and seemed to enjoy the different flavors and textures. When we went to the doctor for Daven’s 9 month check up the

doctor started to see a lull in his weight gain. So through doctors orders we nixed all baby foods and put him strictly back on formula. Keep in mind; this was long before we knew anything was wrong.
Hindsight is always 20/20 as they say…and in this sense, I agree! If we would have realized that weight gain will always be slow, I would have kept Daven on the baby foods. Now that he has been on formula only for so long, he has a taste and texture preference for his formula. I am confident that someday Daven will be eating foods, but there is a picture engraved in my brain of him when he is much older, drinking out of a bottle. I understand this is a slow process (what part of WS isn’t a slow process!), but I am desperate to see some change in his eating habits. So wish me luck this weekend!
Come here Daven…an airplane full of green beans is headed your way!
Hi Aspen,
I haven't had internet access for almost a week and I feel like I am playing catch up with all my favorite kids!! I've missed all you guys! First of all, Happy Belated Birthday. Second, congrats on surviving all the doctors visits and for the good news on Daven. I always do my mediatative yoga breathing while they try to draw Emerson's blood. Last, I love the pictures. Daven looks just so happy. Take care! Love, Nicole
I think it's amazing about all we do right now for these little ones on some things we know will be secondhand to them very shortly. I also have the feeding issue with Brady, and I usually do a "sneak attack" with his food - when he opens his mouth for the bottle I shove the food in! He either doesn't mind it or doesn't realize he can spit it out :)
Have fun this weekend! If only he realized how good choclate cake is.... :)
Love -K
The sheer joy on Daven's face just made my day!
What precious pictures. I love him so much.
I am still trying to figure out something to try with him (without milk) that might work. Let me know if he goes for the applesauce. We have a lot of that around here, and it mixes great with his medicine.
I'm glad you liked the CD. I sure like mine!
Wonderful pics!!! I love his smile :)))))))
Oh, the food-program, I exerted myself for nothing in the past few months, Szabi hated bread, and one day a miracle came: he put his hand into my plate, get a slice of hot-sandwich and began to eat, chew and swallow... I think our children (my son has!!!) have strong will, and they just do what they want when they want...
Love, Kati
The older they get the better they get at spitting foods out! Keep plugging away Aspen, and try everything under the sun. Even if he doesn't swallow it. Avery's big finger foods right now are Bugles, BBQ rice cakes, green beans, these baked green snow pea things from the asian food isle, Lorna Doon butter cookies, Graduates Graham Cracker cookies and rice krispies. As I said she barely swallows much, but like you I keep trying. All these things melt well. Good luck! I love you guys and am waiting for my CD too(: I made a cd for you guys as well a month ago, but the stupid I-tunes program locked all the music so it wasn't playable. I was mad!