We made it back from a full day of doctors visits, and amazingly…came out unscathed. Daven was a true champion yesterday! We dragged him around from one end of the facility, to the other and then back again.
We started out bright and early with his well baby check up. After the doctor looked him over, he ordered a urine sample to check his calcium level, a blood test to check his kidney function, and a flu shot. We put a “urine bag” over his man hood and were on our way over to the orthopedic doctor. Once we got there, they ordered an Xray of Daven’s spine. Once we got the orders and paperwork needed for that, we rushed off to the Radiation center. (naturally it is on the opposite side of the building) Once we finally got the snap shot they needed, we rushed back to orthopedics to get our report.
Round 1 (ding)
Doctor: Is he wearing his brace?
Me: Well, actually no. We have done some research and it showed that children with Williams Syndrome don’t normally do very well with a brace. It fixes one problem while causing another. Muscle Atrophy to be exact.
Doctor: Well, uh…..Williams Syndrome, I have never heard of WS?
Me: SHOCKED! Really, never? (rolling eyes)
Doctor: How is he diagnosed with WS, is this a genetic test?
Me: Yes, actually a blood test called the FISH test.
Doctor: Wow, well who exactly diagnosed this WS?
Me: Dr. Golder Wilson a genetic specialist in this facility.
Doctor: Ah, uh well yes he is a very highly respected doctor. Well it seems like you have done your research and know what you are talking about. I still however feel that it is a priority to keep his brace on to help realign his spine.
Me: Okay, that sounds great! Are we done here?
Doctor: I guess so, lets have you back in about 6 months.
HA! That was the shortened version of Round 1. I expect Round 2 to come in 6 months. ;-) His spine overall, has not gotten any worse. This to me was great news! It doesn’t prove that the chiropractic work is helping, but things at the very least…aren’t getting any worse.
As soon as we said our goodbyes to the Orthopedic doctor, we had to run back to the pediatricians office to get his flu shot and to literally “rip” his urine bag off. (I won’t go into too much detail here, you get the picture) Once we got that taken care of and eyes full of tears, we rushed Daven off to the lab for the final stop of the day. The dreaded blood work. DAH DAH DUMMMM!
We knew we were in trouble when the nurse turned the corner calling for “Davin.” Once she figured out it wasn’t Logan or I getting the blood drawn, she outed with “Uh, ohhh, um…” Logan and I looked at each other and knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Daven was happily playing in Logan’s lap while she got everything ready. The entire time picture her nervously talking saying “oh, well um this won’t be all that hard…I have a very small needle” “Oh, hu…look how wiggly this little guy is” And other nurses yelling out across the way, “Do you need any help” Annoying nurse yells back..”Um, no, uh…I think I’ve got it.”
Once she finally got her things in order the process began. Poke once, no vein. Poke twice, yet still no vein. Third and final poke, yep…NO vein.
Nurse: “well, um, I can’t seem to find a vein” (trying to speak out over Daven’s SREAMING!) “It looks like were gonna have to prick his finger. Is that okay mom and dad?”
Me: “Whatever you have to do…just get this over with!”

After much fighting and screaming and many tears, we were finally done. I see it as a pretty good day when after a full day of running around the hospital, you only want to punch one nurse in the face. I figure that must be pretty good odds. HA! I held it together until we got in the car and headed out of the parking lot. I cried a bit and Logan just held my hand. We didn’t have to say a word; we both just knew we had survived.
All of Daven’s lab work came out great! Daven’s weight wasn’t as good as I had hoped for, but it never will be. He will always be competing in the light weight category. (20 lbs 10 oz) Calcium was great and kidneys seem to be functioning great. All in all, it was a GREAT day yesterday. We have a healthy young boy!
Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts yesterday. Knowing that we had so many supporters and teammates backing us…made that day so much easier! I love each and every person reading this. Thanks again for sticking around.
Yay, its over for 6 more months! Your day sounds like my day last week and that is so great that Logan was with you, I am sure if helped have a hunky husband by your side. Great news that there is no change in the curve and lab results were perfect-o. Keep up the good work, Aspen.
So glad to hear that things went well! Give both your "boys" a hug for us! We love you all!
Nat & boys
You made it through, Yipee!!! Sounds like things are good overall with some bad things to get there! Glad to hear about his results, thanks for sharing your life with us!
Love you guys,
Val and Ryan
I am so glad it is over and that everything turned out great!
Yeah!!! Good for you... what a good momma! :)
After all the needle pricking I went through to get pregnant with Brady, I learned to finally say something when they were fishing for the vein. I know it only hurts for the moment they are doing it, but there is always someone better to draw blood. I finally came to the point that I don;t care if I hurt anyone's feelings by not having them stick me. I had nurses fish on Brady until I finally found a couple I trust. It is SO AGGRAVATING!! If you can't do babies... let someone else can! They ARE out there.
But yeah for you guys!! I'm glad you can relax and have a good weekend!!
Love -K
Glad to hear everything went well and is over for now. I just love your Daven photos (I know I say that over and over), but he is so precious with the best grin in the world. It sounds like you made the right decision with his brace. You say his spine hasn't really changed, but look at how Daven himself has changed. Hey - to us 17-pounders over here, 20 pounds isn't so shabby!!
So your back doc had no clue that Daven has WS? How long have you been seeing him?
I am glad it all went well...I have found the same nurse that we go to for Tate's blood work she seems to hve it down pat while others just ture my baby into a pin coushion.