This weekend was a busy weekend trying to keep up with Daven. And Daven was busy trying to keep up with me. For the first time in Daven’s short life, he actually tried to follow me through the house. It started Friday morning as I was getting ready for work. I was frantically trying to fix my mop into some form of a sophisticated style for work. That’s when I noticed him peaking around the door frame; Daven was all smiles because he had found me! Which then instantly made me full of smiles and laughter! My son actually came looking for me; he just wanted to be next to me. I couldn’t stop myself from tearing up. It was one of a handful of times that I have felt his love for me. I was glowing thinking about it for the entire day, longing to see him again.
After that, it was like something changed in him instantly. I was in the laundry room trying to get some of the mass amounts of laundry done, and around the corner Daven came in search of his momma. I was in his bed room trying to pick up the toys that were pilled high (oh I can’t wait for the day when he can put away his own toys!), and sure enough…I hear the little stomps of a crawling monster. I was cooking in the kitchen, when he came crawling around the corner to find me and once he finally got to me…up went the hands. His way of saying, “Hold me mommy! Hold me!” Of course, I would scoop him up every time!
This continued through out the weekend. It started to become a game. He was playing hide and seek with me! I was hiding and he was frantically trying to find me going from room to room searching out the place. I LOVED every single second of it! Even at bed time, he didn’t want to be out of my arms. I would lay him down in his bed and he would wake up crying because I wasn’t holding him. I have never once felt like my child was clingy to me until this weekend. It almost made me swell with pride knowing that he actually does need me.
I am not expecting this to last. I think part of his clingy actions this weekend were due to a cold he has been fighting. Logan and I were scheduled to attend a symphony concert and dinner Saturday evening. After a long night before hand and noticing h

ow clingy Daven was throughout the day, we called off the night away. I just didn’t feel comfortable leaving him knowing how cranky he had been. (Sorry Monga! Daven will make it up to you with tons of kisses!)
Even though he wasn’t feeling too well, I have to admit I loved the uncharacteristically snuggly Daven. I am however bummed that we didn’t get to attempt any food this weekend. Daven was already grumpy and I didn’t want to make him any more upset than he already was. Sigh. Maybe that can be a priority again over the Thanksgiving break.
Is it Monday already?
How fun I knew he loved his mommy :) Don't worry it is monday but it is a short week :)
What an awesome weekend!! Don't worry about the food - that will come, but you don;t always get great hide-and-seek moments like those :) I nstantly smiled reading your post because I can picture your heart dancing with joy :)
Love -K
I think Daven will follow you around the house, cold or not, more and more in the future. Wait until he starts bringing you books like Erik does! I have a stack of them in every room (he is not so good at the putting them away part). He helps me put stuff in the dryer, too! Daven isn't far behind!
Miss you!
That is so wonderful, what a great praise! Sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Oh my gosh, just wait until he starts tugging on your pant leg. Your going to need a whole box of kleenex! I share your joy, yes they need us in so many ways. Never forgot that. As moms we are never obsolete.