A few evenings ago, after I attempted to feed Daven, I threw (not literally threw, but you get the picture) him into the bath. It is starting to be an evening ritual…attempt to feed Daven, wipe excess food off face, and throw (again not literally) him in a bath.
This specific night, I was picking things up around the house and going in and out of the bathroom checking on him. Now wait, I know the cardinal rule of parenting…”NEVER, EVER leave your child in a bath unattended.” In my defense, he does have a chair that restricts him to the seated position, making it almost impossible for his face to end up in the water. Second, I would only step out of the bathroom for seconds at a time within an ears shot of all the action that was taking place in that bath. But back to my point…
On my way out of the bathroom the last time, I heard what sounded like a…how should I say….gas bubble? You know, breaking wind except for this time it was more like breaking water? HA! After I returned to check on Daven I stayed to play and splash with him. When I got a closer look, something odd was floating around in the tub with him. Picture a loud GASP and a sudden scream…”LOOOOOGGGGAAAAANNNN!!!!”
Yes, Daven had taken care of his business in the bathtub! I instantly went into panic mode. After Logan came running to see what the problem was, he just laughed when he realized what the emergency actually was. Daven’s bowel movements have always been a huge part of our life as parents. It can make or break any day. If he has had one, Daven is usually in a great disposition! If he hasn’t, he can be a bit cantankerous. (To put it nicely) However, I prefer to watch for these bowel movements IN his diaper…NOT in the bathtub where he is supposed to be sparkling clean and smelling of fresh baby powder.

Once we got Daven out of the soiled bath water, I scrubbed and bleached the tub to perfection. Meanwhile, Logan is holding him wrapped in a towel constantly saying how stinky he still is. Well DUH! After we finally got him in the bath and cleaned up properly, I quickly snapped this picture because you could see all over his face he knew what had happened. The mischief on his face said it all.
Maybe this was his way of warning me about leaving him alone while taking a bath. Trust me, I got it! Who knew that “filling his DIAPER” had such a specific meaning?!
On that note…Happy Friday!
Aahhh...the infamous "bubbles in the bathtub"... Hilarious ~ at least when it's your kid and not mine!!!! Nice work, Daven!
Love, Nat
I'm giggling because you always tell such a good story, not because you had to bleach your tub. Great photo, too! I can't help but think of the Baby Ruth scene in Caddyshack.
Erik passed gas very loudly during a financial planning meeting last week in a conference room while he was pointing his heinie at two very professional financial planners. :D At least we didn't go to code brown!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love that picture...UGGG poo in the tube I am so not looking forward to that again... Well I do not care as much as Chris...he is the one that always cleans the tube...hehehe
sorry about my creative spelling that one was bad...:0
HA! HA! HA! When ya gotta go ya gotta go!!
What a little devil!! He defintiely has that look in his eye.... I would have been skeeved out too. :)
Love -K
This was so funny!!! I can't stop laughing. What can I say, he is his fathers child!! HAHA Better to plug up the tub he thought instead of himself. Way Cute! Thanks Daven for giving aunt Shay a good laugh! Love you little buddy, Love you too Aspen.
What a little stinker! Haha.
dude, that picture of his face - it's museum quality. LOL, go daven go!
Haha, what a wonderful pic!!!! :DDDDDDDD
Szabi loves to pee into his bath-water, he stands up in the tub and proudly pees in the water and right after it wants to sit back and play...
Love, kati