Daven the Explorer
Published Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Now that Daven has finally mastered the art of crawling, his curiosity has hit its peak. It is just a joy to watch him go from room to room checking out what it has to offer. The guest bedroom is great to hunt out the computer cords. The guest bathroom is great for the cabinet full of cleaning supplies. The kitchen is full of good stuff! (Mini-blind cords, hot stove, tables to pull up on, drawers to pull open, etc…) The laundry room is great for the dryer sheets that have fallen on the floor. Then there is my bedroom and bathroom that seems to have a wealth of excitement. And finally, Daven’s own room. Now this room is Daven’s least favorite. This room is FULL of actual toys and a complete safe zone for him, so it is much too boring for our little Curious George.
It is so great to watch him travel from one room to another. Following after him pulling him away from the “bad” only to follow him to the next room and pull him away from the “bad” all over again. I never thought the day would come when I would say NO in a discipline manner to him. (Other than the occasional NO as he tries to snatch away eye glasses or earrings.) Since the exploring has started, I have held his hands saying a firm NO when he is near all the bad things. Yes, I have childproofed the house as much as possible. However explorers with little fingers and hands tend to find everything they are not supposed to have.

I have said before that I will happily keep him away from things when the time came. Now that that time is here, I can honestly say…I do enjoy it. Watching him travel around the house and losing him from room to room is something I never thought possible. Looking at his face and all but watching is brain work, it is obvious that he just wants to know everything that this newly found world has to offer.
Dora’s got nothing on our little explorer!
I am so happy for Daven and so happy for you guys!!! This is an awesome milestone!! I can just imagine him getting into all these "new toys!!" Goooooooooooo Daven!!
Isn't it funny that it wasn't that long ago you were wondering when this day would come. It didn't take that long!! Hopefully I will be saying that soon too! :)
Happy Turkey Day!
Love - K
Soon you will be an expert at knowing exactly what he is touching by listening. It's the long silences that are T-R-O-U-B-L-E! That's my advice for the day!
Love yooou
Hohohooooooooooo, welcome to the buisy-while-running-after-the-kid-mom-club :)))))))
I am so happy to hear these good news!!!! I wish I could see him while he is in action :DDDD
Nancy's advice is very-very useful :)))) you will be a real 'hearkenner' soon ha-ha!!!
Love, Kati
LOL oh I bet he is all over the place...and quick too, it is amazing how fast those little people are on the hands and knees... bye bye silence it is no longer a good thing...I usually find something broken, colored, spilled...or now Emma watching Cinderella, she has learned to work her DVD player alone....
You are right it is a fun and amazing journey.