The clock today seems to be moving slower than most days. The College officially closes up shop at 4:30 this afternoon, and that time just cannot come fast enough. NO, I am not hoping to rush out so that Logan and I can get on the road. (I know you are all shocked!) We will be staying in town for the Thanksgiving Day festivities. For once, I am actually looking forward to staying at home. We have zero agenda for Thanksgiving. However, there are a few Thanksgiving Day traditions (yes, more traditions!) that I will not let slip by. Monga’s cinnamon rolls, the Thanksgiving Day parade, and putting up the Christmas tree to name a few.

There is also one Thanksgiving Day tradition that I am NOT looking forward to…putting up the Christmas lights and luminarias outside Monga and Ponga’s house. I am in fact, DREADING this tradition. For those of you “Non New Mexicans,” luminarias are Christmas lights that you put on the ground, not on top of the house. (See picture) While they are beautiful and highly loved in the New Mexico area…they are simply a PAIN to put up. With the help of the entire family and beautiful weather, this agonizing process can be done in only a few hours. Although it is never that easy! This year for instance, half the family will be away visiting others for Thanksgiving and I anticipate cold, WINDY weather. I will put on my happy face, coat, and gloves to help with this project. It is, I suppose, a tradition.
Thanksgiving Day is a day for TRADIITIONS, family, food, parades, and football. It is also a time to give thanks for all our blessings. Each and every one of us have been blessed with so many different things. My list of blessings stretches out for miles. I realize more and more everyday what “blessings” actually look like. While most blessings are obvious sometimes blessings can be disguised.
My family is obviously a blessing. Logan is clearly a blessing. Daven is, of course, a blessing. Would I consider Williams Syndrome a
blessing? Maybe! Had it not been for Williams Syndrome, I would not have met so many amazing people. I would not have grown as a woman and mother. I would be ignorant and possibly cold to the world of special needs. And I would never have felt a love that I didn’t know existed.
Through the trials, heartaches, tears, and sadness…there have been mountains of blessings. And for that, I am thankful! My wish is for you to have a BLESSED thanksgiving. Stop and think of each and every blessing. There might be more than you realize.
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” Philippians 1:3
Chica, I am blessed to have you in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving. Have fun doing the traditions, even the ones that make you crazy, like luminarias!
We love you and your family and wish you all of the happiness the holidays can possibly bring.
Happy Thanksgiving :) The luminaries are beautiful, no matter how insane they are to put up. Take a pic!
love- K
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! We miss y'all!
Ryan, Valerie and Tyler
WOW for no plans on T-G day you all sure have a lot to do :)
I hope you had a very happy thanksgiving :))))))
Love, Kati