Winter Wonderland
Published Tuesday, December 19, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post

A winter storm has hit our part of the world hard the past day or two. Last night was bitter cold so we were sure to bundle Daven up from head to toe when we went to Monga’s for dinner. Every time I start dressing him for a cold outing, I always remember that scene in “The Christmas Story” when the mom is dressing the boys. And Ralphie (if I remember right) says “Getting ready to go to school was like getting ready for extended deep-sea diving.” HA! He did so well keeping his mittens on. I was impressed that he didn’t try and pull them off immediately. He was a champ and stayed warm from head to toe!
He also spent a little more time at the piano with his daddy. I am so anxious by his LOVE for it. He could very possibly sit at a piano for hours on end. Playing and banging and listening. The

pure joy in his face was undeniable. I have decided to push for piano lessons for him. Like others have said, once he masters the piano, he can master almost any other instrument.
We are headed out to Oklahoma today for Christmas. Internet connection will be limited so I may not be able to update. I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we take to the road. I anticipate some ugly weather and even uglier roads. We will be coming home Tuesday after Christmas to spend a few days with my family. I am looking forward to it all. We will be enjoying many card games, tons of food, and even more laughter!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday and enjoys time with your family and friends. BE SAFE!
Have a Safe holiday and drive safe...Love you and the fam. We'll be thinking about you :)
I will MISS YOU. I hate it when you leave! I doubt you will have cell phone reception, either...?
Come back safe. My old heartstrings can't handle any more of our traveling and getting further from you and your family!
npHave a happy Christmas and be safe out there! Hope Santa is good to you all. :)
Love -K
We hope your Christmas is wonderful and you have a great time! Be careful traveling, our prayers will be with you. By the way, Ryan saw the picture of Daven and Santa and said that Daven looked just like Logan with his hat on.