Basket Full of Surprises

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Good morning to all! I hope you have come back to find an update on this blog...FINALLY. I am not 100% sure that blogger has completely fixed things, but so good. I would have been updating if I could.

Meanwhile, I have a beautiful picture to share with you. No this time it isn't of Daven. Sorry, check back tomorrow. ;-)

My mother-in-law gave me a hanging basket of beautiful plants and flowers for mother’s day. Really very gorgeous. However, I had decided to "kick it up a notch" and give it a little miracle grow to help it get bigger and fuller. BAD idea! Within 24 hours, that poor plant was burnt to a crisp! I was devastated. Turns out, the miracle grow was concentrate. OPPS! Guess you should read the directions before doing something like that; I will give that credit to Logan. HA!

After a week or so of my dying plant hanging on my front porch, I decided to take it down and add new flowers. As Logan and I were talking about it, he looked in the basket and saw this. When he told me what he saw I immediately asked him to hoist me up to see it for myself. I was amazed at the perfectly designed nest and the beauty of the eggs. I knew that I had to document this experience!

The more I got to thinking about what I had seen, I started to wonder. How often do we do that? Make rash judgments based on appearances, without taking the time to take a closer look. I am as guilty as the next person. Sometimes we just need to stop and look at things in a different way. One of my biggest fears about Daven's future is that people will do this to him– make a judgment about him based on how he walks or talks or acts and not take the time to take a closer look at what is on the inside.

I am keeping an eye on our expected arrivals, but nothing is happening yet. I will keep you updated on any new developments. Take a minute to look around your world today. You never know what tiny little surprises you might see.

This morning if any of you need to speak with an elder or would like to come forward...HA! Just kidding everyone, my blog just suddenly started to sound like a sermon. So the only closing I knew was to offer an invitation. ;-)


6 Responses to “Basket Full of Surprises”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You're so funny! I love the story, though ~ good work! You're always so inspiring...

    Hey, where's the picture with Shayla from the graduation? Will you try to post it again for me? You're my connection to the rest of the world! (Such a serious responsibility!)

    Love you!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I literally "laughed out loud" when I read the part about offering an invitation. Good stuff!

  3. Blogger Lisa 

    You are to much so does that count for church this week :) I can not wait to see the baby birds

  4. Blogger WhiteFade 

    thank you so much for that posting info you so like to call, "fenaggling." i owe ya - and i really like the "looking past appearances" theme in this post. it's nice to see other people who feel the same way about things that i do. =)

  5. Blogger Britney 

    wow how cool!! Keep us updated on those little birdies and see if you get anything to hatch!

  6. Blogger Nancy 

    Thanks for making me smile! You have a beautiful blog and a very beautiful boy. My son was diagnosed 3 months ago and is 20 months. It's hard, but, as you know, they are heartbreakingly sweet. I'll check back and see what you guys are up to.

    Nancy P.

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About me

  • I'm Aspen
  • From Clovis, New Mexico, United States
  • Happily married to Logan for 5 years. We have a precious son Daven Tate who was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome (a genetic disorder)at 11 months old. What a joy it will be to watch him grow. Daven just turned TWO!
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