It is expected of a mom (any mom) to have good days and bad days. Well, unfortunately today is a bad day for me. I am not sure if it is (a) because of lack of sleep or (b) the overwhelming feeling that seems to be weighing heavy on my mind lately. Probably a little of both.
Daven, for some reason I have yet to figure out, didn’t sleep well at all last night. I think I saw every hour on the clock. Need-less-to-say, I am a bit disoriented today. Dark circles and puffy eyes…it isn’t pretty. Nights like last night, make me appreciate the nights when Daven only wakes up once or twice. Those are like a little slice of heaven when compared to looking at the clock only to find that you have slept 45 minutes since the last time you looked.
As Logan and I are trying to figure out how to get Daven to sleep, I suggested “Knocking him out with a mallet” only to hear Logan say…”Never in a million years would I suggest that!” Now wait, before you turn me into Protective Services, hear me out. Of course, I would NEVER actually knock my son out with a mallet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think about it right? When you are already drained from a long day and dreading a long Monday morning ahead, the last thing you want is to be up every hour on the hour trying to calm a screaming child. Especially when you have NO IDEA why he is actually screaming. I LONG for the day when Daven can tell me or at the least point to me what is hurting him.
As for the overwhelming feeling, this just comes and goes when you are raising a special needs child. It has seemed to me that Daven’s development has halted for a while. I haven’t seen as much growth as I had hoped for at this point in time. In a few weeks, Daven will be 18 months old and I had so hoped that he would be crawling, standing, or walking by this time. When I read of other WS babies that are younger than Daven but farther along in the development process, I can’t help but fell terribly sad.
As I was throwing my own pity party, I thought to myself…as long as Daven hits these milestones, it won’t matter later in his life when he hit them…just that he did. So that seemed to talk me off the ledge. I also try to think of it as though I get to enjoy the “baby” stages longer than most moms. However, this is a lot easier said than done. I can’t begin to tell you how badly it hurts when a mom says “My baby is just growing up too fast, I want him/her to stop growing.” All I can do is sit back and think…Oh no you don’t! Grow, Grow, Grow little one.

I am trying to allow Daven to grow at his own pace. I will stop trying to make him grow at
MY pace, but let him grow and develop in his own time. This just forces me to see how precious every little milestone can be. Thank you God for truly opening my eyes.
Sorry for the lengthy downer post. Maybe tomorrow will be one of those “good days” everyone talks about. ;-)
You are so right we all have good days and bad...Hang in ther he'll be crawling and standing before you know it. Remember the poem on my blog? Sometimes when i think about how much faster other kids are growing up I read that. We'll get through this you lean on me and I'll lean on you :)
Love ya ;)
Waiting for God's timing is not too much fun sometimes, eh? Understanding it is even harder for me... I'm so sorry you're having a rough day. Wish I could give you a great big hug! Just know how much we love you & the little guy.
I'm sorry you are having a tough day honey! I am here for you and love you both so much. I know it's always easier said than done sometimes...but keep your chin up. You are so strong and awesome! Such a role model to all moms! My HERO ~ I love you!!
I wish I could make your bad day better. I can pray that Daven has a restful night tonight. You are a special young women. I hope to meet you someday.
I can relate with the bad feeling after a sleepless night. Anna is 18 month old and for us seeing every hour of the night is the rule and waking only a couple of times during the night is the exception to the rule. I had to hire a nanny to sleep with her cause after 9 months of sleepless nights I simply crashed.... Do they ever sleep these kids ?
I realised that my whole life/moods/psichology depend on how well she does. In the good days I feel everything will be OK, I will fight and help her and we will all be fine. After a really bad night or when I watch her not being able to do things that other kids her age do so easily, I feel desperation, I feel helpless, convicted to o hard, rewardless life. I feel sorry for her and for us and I want to die. And then a good day comes again and then a bad one... And life goes on !!