Published Friday, March 24, 2006 by Aspen.

I know I have just started getting into blogging, but I think it is already time for a break. Well, just a
SPRING BREAK! Yes, next week is Spring Break! And being that I work at a fantastic Community College, that means a break for me too! YAY! And I have to say, I think I deserve it this year. HA!
No, I won't be going to any beaches, or the Caribbean, but it will be nice to have a break. We are, however, going on a road trip to Denver. But I have already mentioned that. So I won't bore you with the details. Not until we get back at least. ;-)
I am just mentioning all this because it means that posting for the next week will be limited. So, don't be disappointed when I haven't updated anything for a few days. If you envision Daven and me in our jammies all week, you will have a daily update. HA!
So, HAPPY SPRING everybody. I think I can already hear all the baby birds chirping and the lawn mowers mowing. LOVE LOVE LOVE
Published Thursday, March 23, 2006 by Aspen.

Well, we will try this again. The previous page was faulty and I was worried that there would be more troubles later on. So, with the guidance of Sarah the blogging queen…I will start over. The first post will be here, but the comments were erased. Sorry about that…but keep making comments.
I am pretty sure that “mother nature” is completely confused! Our winter was spring and now that spring is here…we are going back to winter. Wow, no wonder everyone is so sick! We got the most snow yesterday than we have had all winter. Granted, it wasn’t enough to snow us all in or close campus, but was still more than we have seen in about a year. I am just ready for some warm weather!
For those of you that have never seen my family, here we are! This was taken at Christmas and is the most recent photo I have. As you can see, Daven is just as happy to be there as the rest of us. (Notice the fake smile) HA!
I didn’t have anything new to say, I just wanted to make sure everyone replaced the old site with this site. Sorry again for the confusion.
Thanks again for indulging me! I love you all very much!
Published Wednesday, March 22, 2006 by Aspen.

Okay, for all you "bloggers" out there...I have arrived. I have finally decided to embrace the blogging world and participate. I figure this is an easy way to keep everyone updated on our fun and exciting life. Okay, okay, so it is a rather boring and mundane life, but none-the-less I will write anyway.
The Marshall household is growing. DON'T GET ANY BIG IDEAS... Autumn and Roxanne are now living with us for the next few months. I love it! Not so sure about Autumn and Roxanne, but Daven and I are loving it. A few extra hands around the house are always nice to have.
But, unfortunately the household has been plagued with a bad cold. AAHH-CCHHOO All weekend long, we (with the exception of Roxanne) stayed in our jammies. We are slowly on the road to recovery, only after I disinfect the entire house.
Other news, we will be traveling to Denver next week. We are so excited about this opportunity. Trevor with the help of Kristen have set up a chance for Daven to be evaluated by a team of Williams Syndrome specialist. We are anxious to see what the doctors have to say. And getting to see Alowetta, Jody, Tia, and Kristen will just be an extra BONUS!
Okay, well I have bored you all enough already. But keep your eyes out for further postings. I am sure to keep you on your toes. HA! Love you all and thanks for listening.