A New Beginning...Yet Again
Published Wednesday, April 26, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Well it is official; I will be getting a new boss in a few months. The board voted this morning 3-2 for Dr. John Neibling. This comes as a surprise to most of us here at the College. Dr. Becky Rowley has been our Interim President here for 7 or 8 months now, and seemed to be doing a great job.
I just wanted to vent out a little of my frustration. I knew this was a possibility, but the thought of working for a man that I don’t know…well frankly makes me sick to my stomach. Granted, that is the “Thomas” in me that HATES CHANGE! I know that I can work for this man and I know that I will be great at what I do, but all that said…it still means change. I have adapted to Dr. Rowley’s leadership style, so I am confident that I can adapt to my new boss. I will just mumble and grumble under my breath as I am “adapting.” Okay, I will step down now.
Other news, we go back on Tuesday to get Daven’s brace on. I am dreading this because I know how uncomfortable I would be if I had to wear a device such as this 23 hours a day 7 days a week. I am hoping that he will at least get used to the brace
eventually. It will be awkward for everyone at first I am sure; holding him, rocking him, changing diapers…etc. As always, I will be sure to take pictures of his new brace, however, he may not be smiling in the pictures. LOL
Here is a new picture I thought I would share. PapaT is pulling him in the new Red Wagon, so cute! He is always worth showing off. ;-)

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