Well, we made it. Daven is finally up to 23 hours a day! Whew, what a long day for that little man. Yesterday was his first full day of wearing the brace. He seems to be adjusting much faster than me. I think that children and babies are much more resilient than we give them credit for.
So we are off and running. Twenty-three hours a day, seven days a week. If we stick with the strict brace schedule, there are hopes of a shorter time frame. I gave Daven a bath last night and I thoroughly inspected his spine and I truly believe that it is already making a difference. So, with a little extra work and consistency…we might get this thing fixed within a year or less! YAY!
This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago. It is Daven and Luke admiring each others beauty. ;-) Daven LOVES his Cousin Luke, and I think Luke LOVES his Cousin Daven.

Daven even gets so sad when Luke cries. I just wanted to share the picture with you all. Look how big Luke is getting, what a chunkster!
Happy Thursday everyone!
Aspen, that little boy you have is tough stuff. I am so glad to hear he is adjusting to his brace. I hope he exceeds all expectations and is out of it soon.