Weeble Wobble But They Don't Fall Down
Published Tuesday, May 09, 2006 by Aspen | E-mail this post
Logan, GrandPa, GrandMama, Daven and I all trekked up to Lubbock (for the 5th time in 3 weeks I swear!) yesterday to adjust Daven’s brace. Everything seemed to go well. They put a pad in the brace to start pushing his spine back in alignment and cut a hole in the other side so his ribs would have somewhere to go. I think this will be a great help in having Daven stay in the brace for longer periods of time. Hopefully he won’t get as hot with the new adjustments.

We also had the doctor cut it a bit higher so that Daven can sit up on his own again. It helped a bit, but Daven is still very top heavy. So I call him my little Weeble Wobble. (but he DOES falls down. HA!) I am sure that soon enough, he will learn to balance himself again.
We had the first session with the Speech Therapist today. It went okay, not great, but not horrible. She gave us some exercises to help start Daven with sensory issues and texture issues in his mouth. He did cry and probably scream, but that is okay. I am willing to listen to some crying if it will lead to a better diet and variety of foods for him.

Here is Daven enjoying his time with his GrandPa. Hope everyone is having a great day.
Weeble Wobble...HAHA...that's some funny stuff! Well done.