Well, we are back and we all survived. Daven might tell you differently…so it is a good thing he can’t talk yet. HA!

No really, th
e appointment went fine. He did great, hated it…but that is no big surprise. Mom on the other hand, had a complete meltdown. I saw my precious angel in that brace and I lost it. I figured…common God, give a girl a bre
ak! (Give Daven a break!) I guess I had pictured the brace knew what it was going to be, I just hadn’t pictured Daven
IN the brace. So when I saw them put it on him, I hit my breaking point.
I know being a “Mommy” has so many rewards, too many to list. BUT, not every Mommy has to watch their child be strapped in a hard brace and let their child “cry it out.” I am sorry for totally venting out today, but I figure I owe it to myself to scream every now and then. If Daven can…I can.

Whew, I am already feeling better. Sorry about that.
Daven did actually sleep in the brace for about 5 or 6 hours last night. I was so proud of him! The doctor said to slowly work our way into the 23 hours a day schedule. Start with 3 hours today, 4 hours tomorrow, etc. Which is a huge relief! I am confident that he will get used to the brace and possibly eventually think of the brace as his security blanket. (At least that is my hope) But for now, we will just see what he can handle.
The pictures don’t show very much, but maybe you can get the idea. The last picture, is after the appointment and Daven is already crashed out. He does have the brace on. You can’t even see it under his clothes!

I will keep you updated on Daven’s progress. Thanks for thinking of us yesterday, it means so much to Logan and I to have everyone’s support and prayers. We love you all.
Will it end soon?? I'm dying!! I hate this!
Wow, Daven already slept in the brace, great!!!!