The conference I attended this weekend was put on by an organization called
Parents Reaching Out. It was a group that was partially founded by Auntie Alowetta. So I was anxious to see what they had to offer. I was a bit disappointed. I have been so impressed with this organization, but the conference lacked a little substance to say the least. So, I won’t go into much detail about the conference. It was however, nice to take some time off regardless. Mom and Daven made the drive with me. It was so nice to have them around and to show off Daven to the group, if nothing else.

Daven seems to be settling into the brace with ease. As you can see, he is crashed out wearing his brace. So it obviously isn’t hurting him in any way. He is now up to keeping it on for 12 hour increments. So great! We could probably do more, but we can’t seem to take off his diaper while it is on. And taking the brace on and off is a major pain!
He also can’t sit up while wearing the brace. So we go back to Lubbock today and see if they can possibly make some needed c

hanges which we hope will allow him to sit up again.
His GrandPa and GrandMaMa came to town yesterday, so Daven is loving his time with them this week. Here is a picture of GrandPa holding both his grandsons. So cute! Look how big Cousin Luke is getting. They just love each other and watching each other. Again, Daven just wants to hold his hand. So cute!
Daven has his first session with the Speech Therapist tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes. Maybe he will start to love solid foods very soon. Crossing our fingers!
I will be back tomorrow with more.
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