It started in the late afternoon. Contractions started coming every ten minutes or so. We knew our little man would be on the way soon, but we were in for a long night. So, after consulting with my sister we went to the mall for a little mall walking. Yes, that is true. We walked the mall for a good two hours. I then went home enjoyed a nice dinner made by my mother in law (fajitas if I remember correctly.)
After dinner, I could feel the contractions coming on strong. After a nice long bath, I called Logan and told him it was time for him to come home from work so we could make the ten minute trek to the hospital. We checked in on December 27 at 10 pm. Two hours and two pushes later, our precious Daven Tate had arrived. December 28 at 12:24 am he was finally placed in my arms after nine long months. He was beautiful in every sense of the word. Itty bitty, but perfect!
Looking back now two years later, how the time has flown by. Our life has changed in obviously more than one way. Daven is still as precious as he was on that memorable night.
Tonight we had an amazing second birthday party for this very special boy. It was a giant success. Last year my memories of his birthday include, Daven screaming after his hands touched the icing, trying my hardest not to curl up in the corner and cry, and simply trying to keep Daven calm. However, this year was an absolute different story.
Daven was amazing. He LOVED every single toy. He LOVED all the guests at his party. He LOVED (okay well not loved per-se but licked his lips) when I gave him a dab of dairy free ice cream. I feel as though I will always have anxiety about throwing Daven a birthday party, but overall, this year was a huge success!
Again, I am sorry there aren’t any pictures yet. I will get to those as soon as they are downloaded onto my computer. I am currently working off of Autumn’s laptop (YES AUTNIE AUTUMN IS HERE!!!) and haven’t even been to my home in about 10 days. (Oh how I miss my bed, but I must spend every second possible with my family even if it means sacrificing my own bed.)
So, happy birthday my son. I am so proud of your huge growth this year. You are surprising more everyday. We love you more than the entire world…and back again. Happy birthday to our BIG BOY!